5 Circulatory Refreshing Exercises

Do your limbs feel tired or heavy? Have you noticed bruises in them or do they have a feeling of inflammation in them? Try these exercises.
5 circulatory refreshing exercises

Healthy lifestyles improve blood circulation, which prevents and relieves pain. Exercise helps pump blood to the limbs, which prevents inflammation and varicose veins from forming in the legs. Learn more about how you can take advantage of this circulatory refreshing way to move around your home!

Regular exercise helps the blood to circulate better in the body while strengthening the arteries and veins from brittleness. Exercise helps lower cholesterol and remove toxins from the body, both of which are linked to diseases of the circulatory system.

The best thing about this is that you don’t have to go to the gym or anywhere else to exercise. You can do exercise at home without the tools or machines of professionals and get enough exercise to refresh your blood circulation.

we’re going to take a look at today’s article on how you can engage in circulatory refreshing exercise easily at home, and why it’s important to keep your blood circulation fresh.

Why exercise to refresh your blood circulation?

circulatory refreshing exercise

The functions of all the organs in our body depend on blood circulation. When the bloodstream cannot function normally, it can cause illness and severe symptoms and thus lower the quality of life.

Good blood circulation allows you to transport oxygen and nutrients without interference. Therefore, blood circulation is vital for the energy supply and function of organs and cells.

What causes circulatory problems? Here are some possible reasons:

  • sedentary work, lack of exercise
  • ingestion of saturated and trans fats
  • high cholesterol or diabetes
  • alcohol and / or smoking
  • too tight clothes
  • diseases of the circulatory system
  • stress

Five circulatory refreshing exercises

Exercise and body movements are great for refreshing blood circulation. Exercise should be considered part of your daily routine. Get started today.

1. Raise your legs

 lifting the legs to the wall is refreshing blood circulation

Lifting the legs refreshes the blood circulation in the lower body parts and strengthens the muscles. Lifting the legs is recommended to treat varicose veins as it reduces inflammation caused by tension and tension.


  • Lie on your back on the floor or bed, lift your legs up and try to stretch them up as much as possible.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds, bend your knees and stretch your legs up again, stretching them.
  • Repeat 15-20 times until you feel relaxed.

2. Cycling on his back

This exercise mimics riding a bike, but it is done on the floor on your back. Movement of the legs improves blood circulation as well as normal cycling. The abdominal muscles strengthen and blood circulation to the heart improves.


  • Lie on the floor with your back legs straight. Put your hands behind your neck or head.
  • Raise your legs, activate your abdominal muscles and move your legs in the air just as you would on a bike. Keep your feet in the air throughout your workout, do not let them touch the floor.
  • Do the exercise for 1 minute.
  • Repeat 2-3 times.

3. Toe standing

try a toe that refreshes blood circulation


  • Stand straight in place with your hands on your sides. You can hold small weights in your hands. If you don’t have dumbbells, come up with weights for yourself from home.
  • Lift your heels off the floor and stand on your feet for 3-5 seconds and lower your heels back to the floor.
  • Repeat 15-20 times.

4. Climb the stairs

Climbing the stairs improves blood circulation from a few different angles. Aerobic exercise helps to lose weight, which in turn reduces the pressure in the veins. The blood circulation improves and the inflammatory condition in the legs decreases and eventually disappears.

The easiest way to benefit from the stairs is to make it a habit to use the stairs whenever possible, i.e. to do useful exercise. Here are our instructions for a climb-up workout that you can do at home, in the yard, or in your neighborhood.


  • Find a staircase or bench on which you can stand.
  • Step on the step with one foot and bring your weight completely over that foot. Keep your hands on the sides or put them on your hips.
  • Go back down and repeat with the other leg.
  • Do 15 reps for both legs.

5. Leg lifts

leg exercise

Leg lifts can be done on the floor or on the ground, almost anywhere. Lifting the legs promotes blood circulation from the lower body to the heart, which helps reduce varicose veins.


  • Lie on the floor, carpet, floor or bed on your back.
  • Lift your legs straight up. Keep your arms open to the sides or place your hands under your back with your palms facing down to support your middle body during movement.
  • Lay your feet sideways toward the floor slowly and in a controlled manner. Legs are open like a V, or more. Bring your legs up.
  • Avoid touching the floor with your feet during movement.
  • Repeat 15-20 times.
  • The second movement is similar, but lower your legs one at a time, alternately straight down, not to the side. Change legs.

Try these exercises if your legs feel tired and heavy or you have bruising or varicose veins. The exercises are suitable for anyone, even if there are no circulatory problems. They are easy, fast and useful.

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