5 Facts About The Eyes

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, so to speak. They are also functionally important, and so you should be aware of their properties. How do the eyes work and why are they as they are in humans?
5 facts about the eyes

The eyes are a key part of communicating emotions, and they are, of course, among the most important parts of the face. In addition to emotions, mood, and things of the same type, the eyes tell of many other phenomena that occur in the human body.

Now we tell you  5 interesting facts about the eyes  – keep reading and you will gain a new understanding of how significant a role they play in your life!

What can all be done with the eyes?

  • Sense visual factors.
  • A message about the mood.
  • To regulate the amount of light that a person perceives.
  • Uses the muscles of the eye to cause movement.

5 interesting facts about the eyes

1. They reflect emotions

woman pointing her eyes

The eyes are, of course, very significant parts of the features of the human face, and they allow the environment to be seen by projecting an image onto the retina.

However, their work involves many other things. The eyes are the best expression of the human mood, as they tell joy, sorrow, melancholy, and many other emotions very accurately.

2. Just like cameras, eyes can be defined in megapixels

If you use the camera a lot and always ask after megapixels, you may be wondering how your eyes can see the environment so clearly.

There are exactly 576 megapixels in the human eye .

They have a system that is so accurate that it is better than any current imaging technology. The view provided by the eyes is thus best when a person has flawless vision.

3. Eyes can be a great many different colors

woman's eyes

The iris is the “colorful” area of ​​the eye, and as we know, there are so many colors. The color of the eyes depends on the innate characteristics.

There is one factor that more specifically determines the color of the human iris: the amount of melanin in the body.

Melanin is a natural pigment that causes first the color of the skin and hair, but also the eyes.

It spreads light through the iris, and the color can be so dark that the eyes have a dark coffee hue. When melanin produces a lighter color, the eyes are green, blue, or even honey-colored.

4. Indicates alcoholism

While this may seem strange, eye color may be a clear sign of excessive alcohol use or alcoholism.

According to a 2015 study, the color of the iris is a qualified communicator of alcoholism.

5. The pupils dilate and contract

eye close

This is an interesting feature of the eyes that one does not usually come to think of. With simple lighting, you can already notice that your pupils dilate and shrink constantly in response.

When you bring some intense light source close to your eyes, the immediate reaction of the pupil is that it contracts. It then reacts the opposite again when the light is moved away from the eye.

The eyes encounter a huge amount of light and from the illuminated environment. They have different reactions to light so that they can adapt to all kinds of environments without the situation affecting vision or changing the way the environment is seen.

Here we presented just five interesting facts about the eyes, but there are many more to be found – the eyes are a wonderful body!

Featured image: © wikiHow.com.

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