5 Health Problems That Can Cause Back Pain

While back pain may not be caused by anything severe, it should never be underestimated – especially if it lasts longer than a week. In this article, we list 5 health problems that can cause back pain.
5 health problems that can cause back pain

Back pain is sometimes a warning sign for the body of certain health problems. Pain occurs in different areas depending on the ailment. So pay attention to back pain as it may indicate problems with joints, bones or muscles, for example. In this article, we take a closer look at some of the ailments and diseases that can cause back pain.

Let’s first clarify what we mean by “back”. We refer to the area that runs from the bottom of the neck and shoulders to the waist. The length of the back is determined by the spine. The back is the area of ​​the body where, for example, the lungs and kidneys are located.

The back has a very important function: it allows the upper body to move or stay in place. It also helps keep the body’s focus stable. The back is also responsible for protecting the spinal cord.

This is good to know about back pain

which causes back pain

Back pain is one of the most common health problems. It can be chronic or severe. Thus, the pain may disappear within a week or last for more than three months.

Back pain sometimes heals on its own, and the cause can go unexplained. If it is due to a bigger problem, it can be treated. Treatment can range from cold and hot baths to anti-inflammatory medications.

What health problems can cause back pain?

In this article, we look at some of the problems that directly affect the back and cause back pain.

1. Prostate cancer can cause back pain

prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the causes of back pain as it may affect the fifth lumbar vertebra. It can cause lower back pain especially on the right side. Sacroilite is also possible. It is an inflammation of the SI joint located between the sacrum and the pelvic intestine.

2. Endometriosis

In endometriosis, the pain worsens during menstruation as the uterus contracts. It can also be caused by scar tissue that is formed due to damage caused by endometriosis. Pain may occur in the back or chest. It can be relieved with medications or warm baths that relax the back muscles.

3. Scoliosis

scoliosis causes back pain

Scoliosis is a lateral twist of the spine, one of the symptoms of which is back pain. It can be intense or continuous.

4. Witch arrow

A witch arrow is a back pain caused by a ligament or muscle sprain in the back. It can also be caused by a small tear in them. A witch arrow can start with a sudden movement, such as lifting a heavy object or the wrong kind of stretch. The pain may be short-lived or so severe that movement is impossible.

5. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis can cause severe back pain due to fracture of the vertebrae of the spine. The disease can develop asymptomatic over the years and become very painful over time.

Take care of your body to prevent back pain!

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