6 Consequences Of Severe Anxiety

Because each person experiences anxiety in their own way, the more unusual consequences of anxiety vary from person to person, and a variety of techniques are needed to alleviate them.
6 as a result of severe anxiety

Most likely, all people are sometimes nervous or anxious. This almost necessarily happens at some point in life, and then everyone goes through certain symptoms of anxiety.

Whether it’s public speaking or seeking financial aid (these are just a few examples), anxiety and worry can have a profound effect on a person’s physical and mental health as suffering increases.

They can also cause strange  symptoms that are more than just typical headaches or excessive sweating.

How, then, can you know if your anxiety state has gone beyond normal? In this article, we’ll talk about a few of the more unusual symptoms of anxiety that you may not have even known existed.

So keep reading, and if you recognize these at some point in yourself, you might want to seek help with the situation.

1. Confusion or changes in perception


symptoms of anxiety: hallucinations

Hallucinations can vary from person to person depending on how much stress they have.

Some have reported seeing confusion or colors every now and then. Others, on the other hand, show a shady character that brings great fear to the person.

If you have a lot of stress, you may have difficulty  identifying dimensions of your environment, such as length and volume, or it may be difficult to relate to the area around you.

Your perception of time and volume can be distorted, especially during severe anxiety attacks.

Anxiety can cause a primitive reaction to stimulation, fear, or anxiety. Such is, for example, the dilation of the pupil to allow more light to enter the eye.

If a person has these unusual symptoms of anxiety, his or her vision may change and concentration often become difficult precisely at times when these reactions are particularly disturbing.

2. Anxiety causes flatulence and bloating


anxiety symptoms: abdominal pain

As you no doubt already know, flatulence is one of the most uncomfortable and embarrassing situations that comes before a person in public. They are sometimes the result of anxiety, although they are among the more unusual symptoms.

It is true, of course, that flatulence and bloating are not always caused by anxiety, but for many these have been found to have a connection.

This is a problem that is often associated with poor digestion and shortness of breath, which are often the result of anxiety. It is therefore common for those with persistent anxiety attacks to experience these symptoms.

3. Hormonal problems can be symptoms of anxiety

Anxiety can affect the body’s systems in many ways, and one exposed part is the endocrine system. It is responsible for balancing the glands in the body that produce human hormones.

Disruption of brain messages during stress and anxiety can cause  irregularities in the nervous system, which in turn can alter hormone secretion.

4. Skin symptoms


Anxiety symptoms: acne and skin problems

Rash or acne is a very common symptom of anxiety. You may see pimples on your nose, forehead and cheek areas.

The problem then disappears when you feel better, and it comes back when you are stressed again. If your stress level gets worse, you may experience a rash and other skin irritations.

No treatment for rashes and acne will then help if you do not reduce your anxiety and stress levels.

5. Anxiety can cause hair loss

This may sound strange, but anxiety can affect a person’s appearance. Although hair loss is not a common symptom of anxiety, it is nonetheless very possible.

When your mind is in an anxious state, your lymph nodes convert protein into sugar so you can get energy right away. This causes your body to start creating new nutrients so that it can replace those that have become used.

This process releases free radicals, which is why more energy is needed in the body to fight them. All of this means that there is a reduction in those vital nutrients that would be needed for healthy hair growth.

6. Difficulty sleeping and other less common symptoms of anxiety


symptoms of anxiety: insomnia

Difficulty sleeping and sleeping is associated with a wide range of health problems, and these include both physical and psychological issues.

Maybe you’ve sometimes spun in pain in your bed, for example, before an important interview or speech.

However, if you find that you lie awake in the evening worried or nervous about some of your problems or for any reason, more and more often, it may be an anxiety disorder.

This disorder may be related to a certain fear or something irrational that happens during the night. It often involves muscle tension in the palms, jaw and other parts of the body.

Recognize your own reaction to anxiety and learn to adapt to it

Everyone reacts differently to anxiety because people are different. It may seem like others have a lot of anxiety, but this doesn’t make their lives very difficult. And instead, some break up as soon as the slightest stress appears in their lives.

It is therefore the case that some  amount of concern has different consequences in others than in others. If you yourself have never experienced the more unusual symptoms of anxiety we presented, it does not mean that you have never suffered from anxiety.

However, if you have these symptoms, it’s time to look for some different way to better fight your anxiety.

You can choose psychological treatment or start doing relaxing things and exercises.

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