6 Natural Body Cleansing Products

These six cleansing ingredients help keep your body healthy and refreshed. Read what health-promoting properties the following ingredients really contain.
6 natural body cleansing products

Today, we present six natural, body-cleansing ingredients that help you stay healthy by removing toxins and harmful substances from our bodies. By using these products, you can fight a number of problems such as fluid retention, poor blood circulation, pregnancy scars, and swelling of the legs.

To cleanse your body you should increase your daily exercise, drink more water and eat fresh food.

The six natural and cleansing ingredients that have proven to be effective are:

1. Fennel

In addition to having a really delicious aroma and taste, fennel is one of the best options for cleansing. Among other benefits, it improves digestion and reduces gas formation.

When ingested as an infusion (alone or with other ingredients), fennel promotes the removal of excess fluids, making it a favorite for people with single fluid buildup or arthritis.

Fennel also facilitates the reduction of mucus in the lungs. You can enjoy fennel as a tea or as an ingredient in salads. However, be careful not to use too much fennel in your diet, as strong ingestion of strong fennel may cause harmful side effects.

A good option is to drink fennel extract for cleansing for three days and then quit. Drink plenty of water in the following days for successful cleaning. 

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

This is one of my favorite herbal remedies and is a very effective cleanser. Aloe Vera facilitates liver activation thanks to its high polysaccharide content, which removes toxins that the liver collects and also gives life to the liver. It is important to eat aloe vera as naturally as possible, as commercially available products may have properties that reduce its effectiveness.

You can eat a teaspoon of aloe vera mixed with a glass of water every morning to facilitate proper liver function during the day. You can also make a cleansing extract by mixing aloe vera, milk thistle, licorice and dandelion.

3. Green tea

Green tea is beneficial to your health in many ways. It acts as a “stimulant” when you want to cleanse your body because of its diuretic properties and chlorogenic acid. The latter facilitates digestion and cleanses toxins.

You can use it in different ways, but five cups of green tea a day is the best way. It is also important to make sure you drink enough water.

4. Pineapple

Pineapple is one of the most water-rich fruits and is high in fiber and has only a few calories. It also contains three enzymes that improve digestion and blood circulation: bromelain, extranase and pineapple.

Pineapple also helps cleanse with protein fiber and remove adipose tissue that causes cellulite. Pineapple cleanses because of its high potassium content, which is why the amount of water in your cells is regulated.

For all its benefits, we recommend adding pineapple to your diet. It’s easy because of its flavor, which is easy to combine with many different foods.

5. Korte



This wild herb has become very common in natural remedies. Among its other features, we can find that it is excellent for increasing your urine volume by up to 30%. It is useful for removing toxins and facilitating kidney and prostate function.

The card has also been shown to have the ability to reduce the size of kidney stones and increase the ability of your kidneys to filter. Remember that the swamp card should not be used as it is a poisonous plant when used internally.

6. Cherries

Cherries have other properties than a delicious taste. Cherries are high in potassium salt and help cleanse the body by increasing the amount of urine. They also help eliminate metabolites, thus making it easier to reduce the feeling of heavy legs. The benefits of cherries increase when combined with cards.

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