6 Natural Creams For Psoriasis

For best results in relieving the symptoms of psoriasis with these natural creams, they should always be combined with a balanced diet.
6 natural creams for psoriasis

This time we want to talk about psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that develops when too many dead skin cells accumulate on the skin. Its symptoms include patches with thick skin, as well as redness and scaly areas.

There are also natural treatments for psoriasis and we present a few of them in today’s article. So keep reading if I am looking for a natural remedy for psoriasis!

In this article, we will talk about some of the best natural creams to treat this psoriasis. Natural creams are definitely worth a try when the problem is psoriasis !

What exactly is psoriasis and why does it develop?

treatment of psoriasis with natural creams

Psoriasis is an inflammatory and chronic skin disease that produces ulcers on the skin. It is not a contagious disease, but it can be hereditary and is more prevalent in men than women.

Psoriasis occurs mainly in the back, abdomen, scalp, knees and elbows.

It can develop at any stage, although it is more common at the age of 20-55. It starts with mild symptoms and this is a  disease related to human autoimmunity.

The possible causes of psoriasis are very many:

  • inflammations
  • diet
  • drinking alcohol
  • emotional disorders
  • climate factors
  • endocrine problems

Believe it or not, diet can be a very important thing when you want to improve the situation.

For psoriasis, the daily diet should include the following products:

  • vegetables
  • fruit
  • oats
  • beans
  • salmon or mackerel (twice a week)

In case you don’t eat fish, you can opt for oils or flax seeds instead  .

It is also very important to drink at least a glass of water every two hours so that you can  keep your body free of toxic substances that cause inflammation.

  • Avoid foods such as chicken, red meat, and dairy products, as they contain proteins that are difficult for the liver to handle.
  • Fast food, sugars and fried foods are also bad products for psoriasis.

Natural creams for the treatment of psoriasis

Before you start any treatment, it is important to know that there is no real cure for this condition. However, you can do many things to reduce symptoms or heal peeled skin faster.

If you suffer from psoriasis and are interested in natural relief, you should try the following recipes! So keep in mind the following homemade creams:

1. Aloe Vera

aloe Vera for the treatment of psoriasis

This product is, of course, at the very top of the list. It therefore receives first prize in the list of natural products for the treatment of psoriasis, and it is also a real super product for the treatment of many other skin disorders.

Aloe vera gel has many great properties for the relief of psoriasis, as it is  an anti-inflammatory product that refreshes when skin peeling causes great itching.

To avoid hurting yourself while scratching, it’s a good idea to put a little of this gel on your skin several times a day.

It’s even better if you can keep the gel in the fridge so you can get relief from the cold by putting it on your skin.

So if you already own an aloe vera plant in your home, you may want to cut a piece from its stem whenever you need help treating the symptoms of psoriasis.

2. Bitter cucumber

This plant offers great health benefits and is ideal for those with psoriasis. It should be enjoyed to strengthen resistance as well as to relieve inflammation.

It can be used to make a homemade cream that is really worth trying, as it is a very effective aid in controlling symptoms.

Preparation is easy: peel one bitter cucumber, cook it and make it puree. When the paste is still warm, put it on the areas you want to treat. Then leave on for 20 minutes before removing it with warm water.

3. Banana

banana for psoriasis

Banana is a great help in treating this skin disorder and is also very easy to use. You can take a banana peel and rub the psoriasis ulcers inside it, or you can easily make an ointment by crushing a ripe banana with a fork.

Take the paste and  leave it on the skin areas to be treated for 15 minutes. After this, rinse it off with warm water.

4. Baking soda

This is a great product to reduce itching and peeling of the skin caused by psoriasis. However, it should be used with caution and should only be used gently, otherwise skin irritation may result.

Necessary ingredients

  • 3 tablespoons baking soda
  • about 50 ml of water

This is how this treatment is prepared

  • Put baking soda in a bowl, and  slowly add water  (it should be at room temperature).
  • Mix the ingredients into a smooth paste, which you then gently place on the scaly areas of the skin.
  • Leave on for half an hour,  then rinse off with water. However, if you notice any burning sensation, wash the mixture off earlier.
  • Finally, dry the skin gently with a cotton towel.

5. Chili pepper

This ingredient, which is commonly used to flavor foods, can also be a very helpful aid in the treatment of psoriasis.

It contains an active substance called capsaicin, which reduces pain by blocking nerve endings. In this case, it also  reduces inflammation, redness and peeling of the skin.

  • You can find chili extract at health food stores. Make a paste from this chili extract and water, or crush the red chili in a mortar and mix with water to make a similar paste.
  • Then apply the paste to the areas you want to treat and  leave on for ten minutes.

6. Flaxseed

flax seeds for the treatment of psoriasis

Flaxseed contains essential oils with  excellent anti-inflammatory abilities. You can use plant seeds to make a very effective cream for relieving psoriasis.

Necessary ingredients

  • 2 tablespoons flax seeds
  • about 50 ml of water

This is how this treatment is prepared

  • Crush the seeds well in a mortar to give them a powdered composition. If you want to skip this step, you can also buy ready-made flaxseed powder from the store.
  • Gradually add water to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply it to areas with psoriasis and  leave on for 15 minutes.
  • Then rinse off with warm water.

Do you want to relieve psoriasis naturally ? If you suffer from that disease, try these six effective creams made from natural ingredients!

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