7 Reasons To Eat Honey And Cinnamon

7 reasons to eat honey and cinnamon

Cinnamon and honey are one of the best and most effective combinations for preventing various diseases and flu. Cinnamon and honey contain a lot of ingredients to help you ward off symptoms that have already broken out or make sure they don’t occur at all. Both of these substances are completely natural, so you don’t have to worry about side effects or other disgusting effects.

You can make many different combinations of honey and cinnamon. The best way to get the ingredients to your body is to eat them raw, for example in the form of a drink, but they can be baked into raw delicacies or drinks, for example, so that their effect does not evaporate due to the heat. Read more.

Health benefits of honey and cinnamon


mint on the tongue

You may have already noticed that many chewing gums and breath fresheners contain cinnamon. Organic toothpastes , for example, also often contain cinnamon. This is because cinnamon has a disinfectant effect that kills the very bacteria that cause bad breath. You can easily make mouth-watering, natural mouthwash from cinnamon and honey.

This is how you make natural mouthwash

Mix a tablespoon of running honey and a tablespoon of ground cinnamon in a glass of warm water. Mix the ingredients well and use for extrusion. Sprinkle for at least a few minutes. You can make a new satin every day and use it in the mornings, so your breath stays fresh all day.


honey and cinnamon for weight loss

These two simple ingredients can also be utilized for weight loss – amazing but true! You can enjoy an extract of honey and cinnamon every morning about half an hour before breakfast.

Mix a tablespoon of honey and an equal amount of cinnamon with a glass of water, and enjoy it as soon as you wake up. Repeat before going to bed. You will soon notice an effect on your body as your weight begins to drop. If you continue this method regularly, the extract will prevent fat from accumulating in your body over time and your weight will drop slowly but surely.

Remember that the extract alone cannot work wonders, only it  works as part of a healthy diet and exercise plan. Exercise for at least half an hour a day and eat lots of vegetables, fruits and protein.


honey and cinnamon for acne

If you suffer from acne, blackheads and other impurities on the skin, help can be found in honey and cinnamon. Honey disinfects the skin and cinnamon antioxidants cleanse the skin of waste products and the effects of air pollution. The best thing about this treatment is that it is completely natural and does not irritate sensitive and often painful skin. The aroma of honey and cinnamon together also calms the mind.

Mix three tablespoons of running honey with one tablespoon of cinnamon. Mix well and then spread the beak directly on the blackhead, pimple or other impurity just before going to bed. Rinse your face with warm water as soon as you wake up so that the honey residue comes off. You can repeat this every day so many times until your skin is cleansed and feels soft and clear. If your skin feels more irritated, leave an experiment on it.

Skin aging

honey and cinnamon for beautiful skin

If you’re looking for eternal youth or would like to enhance the impact of age signs on your face, this next trick will surely interest you. Namely, the mixture of honey and cinnamon smoothes the skin and repairs the damage caused by age. Mix three cups of water, a tablespoon of cinnamon and then add four tablespoons of honey. Warm. Enjoy a drink in three or four portions during the day.

Reduces cholesterol

honey and cinnamon to control cholesterol

The antioxidants in honey and cinnamon fight “bad” cholesterol and remove it from the body. Excess cholesterol can build up in the walls of blood vessels and cause them to harden (picture above). Pour two tablespoons of honey into a small bowl with three tablespoons of cinnamon. Add a small amount of water and stir. Enjoy three times a day before each meal. Avoid fatty foods.

Help with the flu

honey and cinnamon for the treatment of the flu

Honey is full of ingredients that help kill bacteria and viruses, especially those that cause the flu. Add honey to tea water or yogurt, and enjoy it as much as possible during the flu.

Improves digestion

honey and cinnamon for indigestion

Stubborn digestion is a nuisance for many, but fortunately cinnamon and honey can help with this as well. Before each meal of the day, enjoy a tablespoon of honey mixed with cinnamon. You will immediately notice how the mixture calms the stomach and intestines, and heartburn is all over.

We hope you find these tips helpful. Honey and cinnamon can be found cheaply at all grocery stores, so always keep them in your closet in case you need their healing effect. You can eat them either on a regular basis or continuously if you want to keep any ailments at bay.

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