8 Valid Reasons To Eat More Eggs

Eating an egg increases the amount of good cholesterol in the blood and can even prevent cataracts
8 valid reasons to eat more eggs

A great way to add freshness to the day is to enjoy eggs for breakfast. Eggs are an excellent source of protein and nutrients, but despite this, many try to avoid eating eggs as they imagine it will raise cholesterol and negatively affect health in the long run. In this article, we will explain why you should eat more eggs.

Egg is generally considered a superfood and is an important part of the modern food pyramid. An egg holds many health benefits, so it’s worth eating more eggs as long as you follow good old advice: “fairness in everything”.

In this article, we’ll tell you why you should eat more eggs, and what health effects they have for your body.

Why eat more eggs?

1. Egg is not an unhealthy food

It is true that an egg contains cholesterol, but this is not a health risk. Remember that the body and especially the liver produce cholesterol, and that cholesterol is an important part of the body’s natural functioning. If your cholesterol levels are elevated, you can only eat protein from your egg, as most of your cholesterol is in the yolk.  As with all other foods, common sense should be practiced when eating eggs, and they should not be overcooked during the day.

The amount of cholesterol in an egg is low and there is no danger to healthy people. Egg cholesterol does not increase the amount of poor quality LDL cholesterol in the blood. In addition, the egg does not contain harmful saturated fatty acids.

2. Egg cholesterol is healthy

You should eat more eggs as they are good for blood pressure.


There are two forms of cholesterol: good quality HDL cholesterol and malignant LDL cholesterol, the latter of which accumulates in the walls of blood vessels and can cause high blood pressure and diseases of the circulatory system.

HDL cholesterol protects the body from vascular diseases and promotes brain health.

3. Eggs provide an important nutrient, choline

Have you heard of choline? It is very possible that this nutrient is unknown to you, although its effect is important for the well-being of the whole body.

Choline is a B vitamin that helps build cell membranes and other important molecules, and it improves brain function. Choline is found in all natural fats, and egg yolk, beef liver, and wheat germ are particularly good sources of choline.

According to a clinical study in the United States, up to 90% of the population suffers from a deficiency of this important nutrient. Choline levels can be easily increased by eating more eggs and living a healthy life.

4. Egg is a nutritious food

As we mentioned above, egg is one of the best breakfast dishes. Prepare a delicious omelet or boil an egg or a pair to get all of these nutrients:

  • Vitamin A.
  • Folate
  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin B2
  • Phosphorus
  • Selenium
  • Protein and healthy fat

5. Egg takes care of eye health


Why should you eat eggs?  They take care of eye health.

The older you get, the weaker your eyesight becomes. Aging eyes often miss glasses or reading glasses, and night vision is impaired. This is a natural part of aging, but adding certain vitamins to your diet can slow down the process. Lutein and zeaxanthin from eggs improve eye function.

These two antioxidants repair the retina of the eye and can prevent cataracts and other degenerative diseases of the eye. According to the recommendations, you should eat eggs five or six a week to protect your eyes.

6. The best eggs are organic: they contain less triglycerides!

This is an important point, as you should always favor organic eggs when choosing eggs. Organically produced eggs respect the chicken’s natural cycle and egg production without hormones. What are the health benefits of organic eggs?

  • Organic egg contains more Omega-3 fatty acids
  • They help reduce triglyceride levels
  • They help protect against heart disease

7. Egg maintains the brain

At one time, eggs had a bad reputation because they were believed to contain a lot of calories and harmful cholesterol. It is now known that egg is a healthy food.

  • Egg does not raise the amount of cholesterol in the body and is not a danger to the heart. Egg helps prevent dementia.
  • A large study focusing on egg eating followed for ten years 300,000 subjects who consumed 5-6 eggs per week. According to the study, eating an egg did not increase brain problems.
  • However, diabetics should limit their eating of eggs. 2-3 eggs a week is a suitable amount for a diabetic.

8. Keeps the egg saturated and prevents weight gain

Eating an egg helps prevent weight gain.


It is important to remember that simply popping eggs does not enhance weight loss.  However, eating an egg keeps you full for a long time and prevents snacking between meals – this can boost weight loss in the long run.

  • The egg is full of protein and macronutrients.  Combine breakfast omelette with spinach, apple slices and a cup of tea: you stay energetic until lunch and don’t feel hungry.
  • Egg is a filling food that makes it easier to consume less calories.

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