5 Subtle Forms Of Mental Harm

One of the worst things about psychological abuse is that a person who is subjected to this behavior may not notice its signs until time has passed.
5 subtle forms of mental harm

The impact of mental harm on a person is great. However, it does not leave traces on the skin of the sufferer, but it insidiously affects the mind, and it often takes a long time before a person notices the matter.

People who have been abused as a result of mental harm for a long time usually have to spend much longer to recover. It can take years to fully adapt to the trauma caused by this type of situation.

Mental abuse is very complex. When a person is physically struck, he knows from his instinct that he must now go as far from the situation as possible in order to defend his own physical safety. However, this is not the case with mental harm.

Damage to the emotional level, unlike physical abuse, involves more subtle warning signs:  constant irony, subtle contempt, and a sense of emptiness.

It is often the case that a person who becomes a victim of emotional assault does not first think of himself as a strong victim who must take action to avoid the situation, but instead as the guilty party in a toxic situation.

In the beginning, it is very common for a person to think like this:  “I will probably do something wrong when he treats me like this.”

Later, then, a much more complex and exhausting set of emotions often comes to the surface. Many have thoughts like these:  “I just can’t handle this. I know deep down that this situation is bothering me, but it is so vague that I have no idea how I should proceed here. ”

In the end, victims of emotional abuse often allow the situation to continue. They wait until those little wounds, damaging emotions, and experiencing contempt accumulate. Before the matter is noticed, the situation leaves the afflicted person feeling completely nullified on an emotional level.

P mental abuse is not an easy escape. So this time, we want to talk about five little signs in the behavior of the other party that should be identified and that should be aware of and then respond to.

5 forms of mental harm

1. They are perfect and charming and you can never be on the same level

Signs of mental harm can be fickle.

In fact, people who use emotional power in a detrimental way are often  unnecessarily concerned about what their public image is, and this goes to the level of obsession. In front of a crowd, outdoors among people, such a person is going to behave so charmingly that he is like that most wonderful possible creature.

He can be open, kind, witty, sympathetic and considerate. This can be so great that you don’t actually know anyone who would even believe you if at some point you said something negative about that person.

That is why it is very common for people not to see this phenomenon until it is too late. It can be nearly impossible to identify an emotional abuser at first sight. However, as time goes on, the way he treats you on a daily basis shows its clearest sign: small displays of contempt and attempts to weaken you will become apparent.

However, this is not just happening in private. Psychic abusers are not shy about telling public jokes about you. This is often a way to get attention directed at the abuser who is trying to make himself look good in the eyes of others at your expense.

The other party receiving all this treatment will then be left to experience the danger of continuing on this difficult path. Little by little, and within days, he will necessarily fall into a deep chasm of psychological harm.

2. Distorted empathy

It is very common to say that abusers have no empathy, but this is not the reality.

Many people who fall for the description of the type of manipulator and abuser we discuss in this article are well  aware of their victim’s feelings. This way, they will be able to read what you feel, and very quickly and easily, and use it against you.

Let’s look at one example of this. You’ve had a bad day at work, and when you get home, your partner immediately notices your discomfort, depression, or sadness.

Instead of helping you and offering you close and friendly support, such an abuser will blame you for your situation. Or he may lower your self-esteem even more to gain more power over you.

“Of course you’ve had a bad day, because the problem is that you can’t defend yourself. You are always in situations to be taken away by others, and that is why you are dependent on me for everything. Without me, you would not be able to handle any situation. ”

In a situation like this, it is important to remember that empathy is a positive and valuable ability only when it is used to help other people. It should never be used to push another deeper into depression or despair.

3. He always compares you to something else, in all things

Mentally, the abuser always compares you to other people.

“Why in the world did you stop the car on the road? You are just like your sister – completely clumsy and without any idea what she is doing at the wheel. ”

Whatever you do, an emotional abuser will always compare you to someone else, and this is not a positive comparison.

Instead, one of the things the abuser is very interested in is  comparing the current partner to the previous relationship  so that you, the current partner, can suffer.

4. He will never settle into your position

This is also true of those smallest and most insignificant things, as well as the bigger ones. The abuser will never be able to see things from your perspective, put yourself in your position, or see things the way you see them.

Yes, he can know what you feel, because, as we said earlier, he often has a great capacity for empathy. However, he will never be able to get in touch with you. This means that he doesn’t care if some things hurt you, or even if he hurts you himself.

5. Your goals, tastes and habits are worthless to him

Mocking or saying ironic comments about your goals is one way for an emotional abuser to keep you under his control.

When someone criticizes and mocks the things you like and dream about, or some kind of project you’re excited about, the goal is simple and toxic: to destroy your self-esteem.

The most important thing to remember here is that a person with low self-esteem is much more easily controlled by others. And this is exactly what psychic abusers are looking for. This is precisely what is at stake in what is simply the  goal of mental harm , for the abuser wants to destroy your ability to value yourself.

So keep in mind the dynamics of the relationship we describe in this article, and if you notice any of these patterns emerging in your own relationship, take immediate action. This will help you protect your self-esteem, identity, emotional health and well-being.

The main image of the article is from © wikiHow.com.

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