7 Tips To Keep Your Home Tidy

If you spend ten minutes a day cleaning up, the result is a home that is in better order. That way, you won’t have to spend a large amount of time on weekends getting your home in shape at once.
7 tips to keep your home tidy

Do you find it difficult to keep your home tidy and tidy?

You may be away from home all day. And then when you get back in the evening, your  living room and kitchen are probably dirty and cluttered.

The stuff is where it happens to be, dirty clothes are all around, and the dirty counters in the morning are waiting in the pool. But you wouldn’t have any time or energy to do something about it, and  this problem will only get worse as the week progresses.

So in this article, we’ll give you some good tips to help you more easily maintain the order and cleanliness of your home without a lot of weekly cleaning. Sound interesting? Keep reading and memorize these seven effective home cleaning tips!

A tidy home – is it even a realistic goal?

If you have children, or if you spend most of your days at work, it is normal that your home is not very clean.

You get home, put the bag on the floor, take off your jacket and leave your keys anywhere. Your kids won’t collect their toys, and the dishes will wait in the pool to be washed for hours.

Of course, you wouldn’t want to live that way. However, there is not always enough time to organize and keep your home tidy.

However, did you know that a  tidy home requires only a little initial effort and then only a little commitment?

Follow these tips and keep your home tidy

Try these easy tips to make it much easier to keep your home tidy and tidy – keep reading and get started!

1. Do not allow the mess to spread widely

chaos in the living room

As the saying goes, “chaos creates more chaos”.

This means that if goods have been spread on the floor and around a particular room, this mess will “literally” spread to other parts of the home as well.

The human mind works in a strange way. Instead of taking action and arranging the stuff, your mind says, “It’s already messy here… So why shouldn’t it be there too?”

If everything is in place in the room instead, the human mind wants to repeat this in other rooms as well.

2. Use the items and then put them in place

If you touch the item, take care of it.

For example, when you come home from a store, put all the products in your bags where they are supposed to be.

Fold the bags and then put them in the place provided for them.

  • After eating, put the dishes on the table directly into the dishwasher or wash them immediately.
  • If you have tried a skirt, for example, which you do not put on, put it back in the cupboard.
  • When the toilet paper runs out, immediately put the situation on a new roll. Do this for all items.

3. Do not collect items

messy room

This tip can be helpful in any aspect of life. If you don’t use something, don’t keep it.

The less stuff you have in your home, the easier it is to keep everything in order. Minimalist or Zen-inspired interior design styles are the perfect solutions to achieve this goal.

A table with a tablecloth is not the same thing as a table with a large number of decorations, frames and various objects.

If your room does not have a large amount of items, you can clean it in just a few minutes.

4. Set aside time for cleaning

If your own cleaning day is Sunday or Saturday (as many have in their routine), you probably don’t want to spend all morning or afternoon scrubbing and arranging.

A good way to prevent this is to  determine how much time you need to clean each room. For example, you might need 15 minutes for a bathroom, 20 minutes for a kitchen, and 15 minutes for a living room.

You can even turn on an alarm for this. This way you are more efficient, and thanks to the deep cleaning, you also get a little good exercise.

5. Arrange certain spaces first if you want a home that looks as clean as possible

keep your home tidy with Feng Shui

Which rooms in your home are the most “visible” of them? In what spaces do you spend the most time?

Perhaps these rooms are the living room and kitchen, or perhaps the bedroom and dining area. Start with the spaces you are most in. Remember that if these rooms are in order, you will have more energy to clean the other rooms.

6. Have fun while cleaning

Why would it be that cleaning and keeping your home tidy has to be boring and annoying? It can be made fun with a few simple tricks.

This could be, for example, buying colorful gloves or getting vintage jars, or you can also innovate in home cleaners. The possibilities here are many!

Also listen to your favorite music as you clean – you can create a list of songs that are easy to sing and dance to.

7. Create a plan for cleaning and maintaining order

do the dishes together

This is as easy as defining what needs to be done each day of the week. If you do a little every day, you don’t have to spend hours scrubbing and arranging on the weekends.

This can go like this: you clean the kitchen on Monday, vacuum the floors on Tuesday, arrange the bathroom on Wednesday and the bedroom on Thursday, wash your clothes on Friday, iron the textiles on Saturday, and wash the floors on Sunday.

Also plan weekly and monthly things like organizing your garage, cleaning your fridge and washing your windows.

quiet bedroom

Other tips to make it easier to keep your home tidy

The following list can be a great help in your daily routine, so to keep your home tidy and tidy, take these tips:

  • collect all items on arrival at home (jacket, keys, bag, etc.)
  • bed your bed every day
  • lift your clothes before you go to bed
  • create a plan for cleaning and maintaining order with your family
  • takes out the trash every day
  • clean for ten minutes every day

The main image of the article is from © wikiHow.com.

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