The Great Effects Of Daily Green Tea Drinking

Green tea is very healthy for your body as long as you don’t enjoy it too much. The amount recommended for maximizing all the benefits is two cups a day.
The awesome effects of the daily drinking of green tea

Green tea is a natural beverage that has been part of traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. The tradition of drinking green tea gradually spread to other parts of Asia over the centuries, and today this tea is grown in many parts of the world.

Green tea differs from other types of tea in that it does not go through a fermentation process and thus  retains all the antioxidants and polyphenols that are no longer present in many other grades.

These substances are important because their good properties are effective in promoting health. They help in weight loss and even help prevent cancer.

There are many other reasons why you  should drink green tea in moderation every day. In this article, we’ll talk about the best benefits of green tea, as well as when this drink shouldn’t be enjoyed.

Green tea helps in weight loss


benefits of green tea for weight loss

The high content of polyphenols in this tea is related to its ability to improve metabolism and reduce weight. These antioxidants increase the amount of energy used and help the body avoid storing calories as fat.

It prevents diabetes

The information in this natural beverage antioxidants help to control blood glucose levels, and they  block 1 and type 2 diabetes.

If you drink green tea every day after main meals, you can prevent the rise in blood sugar and the storage of sugars as fat in your body.

It protects cardiovascular health

the benefits of green tea to the heart

A small glass of green tea every day can prevent many types of cardiovascular disease, such as cholesterol buildup and circulatory disorders. The antioxidants in this tea prevent the formation of blood clots, cleanse the arteries and prevent excessive amounts of lipids in the blood.

Many experts have also found that the active compounds in green tea  reduce the risk of heart attack, paralysis and thrombosis.

It prevents vision problems

In addition to polyphenols, green tea contains vitamins C and E, lutein, and zeaxanthin, among others, which are absorbed into various tissues in the eye. These tissues include, but are not limited to, the retina, where the effect occurs so that you can prevent the development of intraocular pressure and other vision-impairing diseases.

These substances and antioxidant abilities help reduce the strain caused by cellular oxidation, which is the main cause of eye degeneration.

It fights the papillomavirus

If you drink green tea, you can fight the papillomavirus (HPV), which causes warts. The gallet of Epigallocatech , one of the main compounds in green tea,  blocks the cell cycle that allows the HPV virus to spread.

It prevents Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases


old couple

Green tea has the ability to slow down the damage caused by free radicals, so this natural drink is helpful  in preventing brain damage as well as fighting diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Its antioxidants create a protective wall against the negative effects of cell degeneration and stimulate nervous system activity.

It prevents the formation of kidney stones

A small amount of green tea every day is a good way to ensure that you can avoid  kidney limescale buildup.

Green tea extracts reduce the production and size of calcium oxalate deposits. These are accumulations that remain in the kidneys and cause kidney stones there over time.

It prevents cavities


the benefits of green tea for teeth

Catechins are a type of chemical antioxidant found in green tea and destroy viruses and bacteria that cause inflammation of the throat, as well as fighting tooth decay and other oral problems.

However, when should you not drink green tea?

It is important to remember some situations where this drink is not worth consuming, even though it is very healthy at other times.

Do not drink more than two cups of green tea daily, as more than this can lead to several problems:

  • headaches
  • nervousness
  • diarrhea
  • difficulty sleeping
  • irritability
  • increased heart rate
  • dizziness

Also, keep in mind that  green tea should not be consumed if you are taking certain medications or drinking alcohol. This is due to the caffeine it contains, which in combination with other substances can produce undesirable results.

Green tea is also not a recommended drink for pregnant or breastfeeding women as it can cause harm to the well-being of the baby.

If you have high blood pressure, anemia, or indigestion, you should still avoid drinking green tea or, alternatively, take only small amounts under medical supervision.

Drinking green tea within these rules is the key to making this drink offer all the great health benefits we described earlier. However, many make the mistake of drinking too much green tea in order to lose weight effectively, and so they are unaware of the detrimental effects of this product on the well-being of the body.

So make sure you don’t enjoy more than two cups of green tea a day. By doing this, you can reap all the great benefits that this special tea quality offers!

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