Do You Like Hodars?

Do you like hodars?

Hodari, or hot dog, is a very popular food around the world. That’s especially what they do in their “home country” of the US, where people eat an average of about 50 hodars a year. However, everyone can guess that this food is not the healthiest and most recommended quality.

Hot dogs have very few essential nutrients needed by the body and are rich in ingredients that can have a very detrimental effect on human health when eaten in excessive amounts.

Hot dogs are just the kind of food that many prefer when they want to eat cheap and deliciously. Of course, it is also true that one hot dog from time to time is not harmful to human health.

But a recent study found that eating hot dogs every day increases the risk of cancer by 21%. As a result, the risk is the same as with tobacco.

Hot dog and its disadvantages to health

So in this article, we’ll talk in more detail about the harmful effects of this favorite food on human health – think twice before you start eating them regularly! Read more if you want to hear why hodars should be avoided.

hot dog is unhealthy

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in the U.S. city of Washington has argued that preventative action, as well as a plant-focused diet, are the foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

This group of doctors believes that manufacturers of hot dog sausages should put a warning on their packaging – as it does for tobacco – explaining the dangers of these sausages if they are eaten often. 

Eating excessively processed meat increases the risk of colon cancer, high blood pressure, and can cause obesity and heart disease.

Studies prove: hot dogs are harmful to health

hot dog mass

The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) published an important report in 2009 that reported the results of 7,000 scientific studies on the risks of hot dogs in developing cancer.

The AICR found in its report that every 50 grams of industrially processed meat eaten daily increases colon cancer by 21%. Still, it is interesting that the health effects of these sausages are not generally considered to be of particular concern – their sale is certainly not running out.

Subsequent studies have also assessed the harm and danger of eating hot dogs daily, and it has been found that 143,000 people suffer from these harms each year – 53,000 of these people also die.

Would this already be an alarming enough sign of the danger of hot dogs to human health?

Some proponents of hot dogs believe that these numbers are really exaggerated, and that it is ridiculous to compare the danger of sausage to the disadvantages of tobacco.

The truth is, however, that studies show that hot dog ingredients have very detrimental effects on health. These disadvantages can come to the fore very easily if this food is eaten daily.

Do you know what you eat when you eat hodar?

hot dog with all spices

Studies have found that the cancer-promoting effects of hot dogs are due to the large amounts of nitrates and nitrites they contain. In addition, factors resulting from production processes play an essential role in the health effects of this food.

In order to make these delicious-tasting sausages, and to keep them looking fresh on the store shelf, a large number of chemicals are added to them , which is a great danger to health.

In addition to these chemicals – which bring this food a much better taste than it would without them – the poor quality of hot dog production is also linked to health risks.

Many hot dogs are made from meat and meat-related raw materials that result from intensive production. This means that animals live and suffer under torture in unhealthy and overcrowded conditions as well as in unhygienic conditions.

The goal of such production companies is solely to provide a very cheap “food” that has little to do with quality. Very little quality meat is used during the production of hot dog sausages.

power generation

The meat farm has ingredients that many would classify as waste – this includes cartilage, fat and offal.

In addition, exposure to heat and bacteria, high amounts of sodium, and fillings, flavors and preservatives make such meat a real health-destroying product.

However, many people are unaware of the health risks of frequently eating hot dogs, as advertising and the food industry have made the consumer “blind”. Thus, many are unaware of the consequences of constantly eating this “food”.

Hot dog with all spices? Consider yet!

So think twice before you start eating hodars all the time , even if they don’t seem dangerous or unethical – these products are often the real enemies of health and far from quality!

English note In Finland, in connection with sausages and sausages, reference is not so much to “hot dog sausages” as in many other countries, but to processed meat, sausages and sausages.

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