Exposure To Chemicals And How To Reduce It

Many of the hygiene products we use every day contain harmful chemicals, heavy metals, petroleum, or aluminum derivatives that are absorbed into the body through the pores and mucous membranes, making exposure to chemicals unavoidable.
Exposure to chemicals and how to reduce it

Exposure to chemicals is almost a necessary evil, as most products are made up of various harmful chemicals that can accumulate in the body in the long run. If we stopped for a moment to think about how many different chemicals we use each day, we could easily be shocked. Some of us have already switched to using more natural alternatives in both cosmetics and cleaning products to keep exposure to chemicals to a minimum.

In this article, we will tell you which products are easy to replace with natural alternatives that do not burden the body or the earth. Keep reading and learn the tricks to lighten your chemical load.

Home cleaning products

Products that are based on the power of chemicals are most often used for cleaning the home, washing laundry and cleaning dishes. These chemicals are often toxic when they come in contact with the skin or end up in water, and are easily replaced by as simple ingredients as lemon, baking soda, or vinegar. All of these agents were widely used around the world to clean both the home and clothing before commercial detergents and cleaners entered the market. These substances can even be used safely to clean children’s toys, as they are non-toxic or dangerous and exposure to chemicals is minimized.

lemon is an excellent cleaning aid

Personal hygiene

Every day, we use high-performance products on the skin that impair the skin’s natural pH balance. Nowadays, the pH level of some products can be mentioned on the side of some products, and those with the same pH as the skin, ie 5.5, are best suited for the skin.

Many of the hygiene products we use every day contain harmful chemicals, heavy metals, petroleum, or aluminum derivatives that are absorbed into the body through the pores and mucous membranes, making exposure to chemicals unavoidable. The body is unable to remove these substances from the body through normal filtration methods, so they can accumulate in the body in the long run and cause a variety of diseases. In addition, they can cause a variety of skin problems in sensitive skin, such as irritation, itching, rashes, and allergies.

Fortunately, there are natural alternatives to supermarket products:

  • Shampoos : Shampoos consist of complex combinations of substances designed to treat different types of hair and needs. Most shampoos smell intoxicatingly sweet or fresh, but this effect is often achieved only with the help of chemical compounds. The shampoo can make the hair soft and improve the condition of the hair, but its effect is only short-lived and based on the use of chemicals. We recommend using natural shampoo grades made using, for example, coconut or saponins. You can also use baking soda and apple cider vinegar, for example, to clean your hair, or you can get used to washing your hair with water alone.
  • Soaps: Traditional detergents and soaps contain skin-damaging ingredients that lead to dry skin and premature aging. We recommend switching to a soap-based alternative to glycerin or coconut fat, or making the soap yourself at home.
  • Toothpastes:  Toothpastes can alter the natural pH balance and bacterial population of the mouth, so we recommend brushing your teeth with natural toothpaste or making your own toothpaste.
  • Deodorants. Most deodorants contain aluminum, the safety of which in cosmetics is still unclear. According to preliminary studies, the aluminum of deodorants may have a connection e.g. the development of breast cancer and various neurological diseases. Aluminum is a heavy metal that penetrates the skin and clogs skin pores, preventing sweating. Aluminum is not particularly dangerous for women, because when applied to the skin of the armpit, aluminum can accumulate in the breast tissue. We recommend replacing the traditional deodorant and antiperspirant with an aluminum-free alternative or natural deodorants.
  • Moisturizers : Moisturizing and nourishing creams often contain paraffin and other petroleum derivatives, as well as harmful parabens. We recommend that you read the product descriptions for moisturizers carefully and find out what they actually contain. Switch to using natural moisturizers or moisturize your skin with coconut oil, argan oil, almond oil, sesame oil or shea butter.
natural fat

Feminine hygiene products

Feminine hygiene products include e.g. tampons and sanitary napkins. Unfortunately, these products generate a lot of waste and can cause irritation to sensitive mucous membranes. We therefore recommend more natural alternatives, such as sanitary napkins made of fabric that can be washed and reused, or a plastic moon cup that stays usable for years. By using these, you reduce rubbish, save money and take care of vaginal health. Using a moon cup may require getting used to and practicing, but most who have switched to moon cups are happy with their choice.

an excellent alternative to sanitary napkins

Exposure to chemicals through cosmetics

Cosmetics can contain all kinds of chemicals that are easily irritating to the skin, as cosmetics contain a lot of strong dyes and fragrances. Cosmetic chemicals are seen as aggressive, as the purpose of makeup is to stay in place for a long time without changing color or drying the skin. Makeup can contain heavy metals and petroleum derivatives, not to mention parabens and chemical fragrances. 

Fortunately, there are many natural cosmetics brands today that use 100% natural ingredients and do not utilize harmful or dangerous chemicals. Look for hand-dyed mascara, lipstick made from vegetable oils and other products based on natural ingredients – you will find that Natural Cosmetics can also be strong in both color and permanence.

Often, Natural Cosmetics is more expensive than traditional supermarket products, but your skin will certainly thank you for the change.

I hope you have got ideas from this article on how you can significantly reduce your chemical load with a few changes. Switch to more natural, gentle products and keep both your skin and the rest of your body in good condition.

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