Oats And Brewer’s Yeast: A Mask For Skin And Hair

In addition to the many benefits this mask has for all skin types, it is also a great treatment for hair.
Oats and brewer's yeast: a mask for skin and hair

Environmental factors such as weather or pollution, combined with internal human factors such as aging, poor lifestyle and poor nutrition, can have a significant impact on the condition of hair and skin. The mask for skin and hair from oats and brewer’s yeast we present in this article is a great help when you notice that your hair and skin are deteriorating. 

With this oat brewer’s yeast mask, you increase the well-being of your skin and hair and prevent them from suffering more.

So now we’re talking about a simple oat mask that also has brewer’s yeast that  adds moisture, shine and youth to your hair and face.

How does the use of masks benefit the skin and hair?

While you may already be using face lotion and moisturizers every day, your skin also needs an extra dose of nutrients as it is constantly exposed to factors that damage it and cause premature aging.

The masks make you feel more relaxed in just a few minutes, and you can rest in complete peace while letting your skin absorb the nutrients your chosen ingredients provide.

In addition, the benefit is that you can use ingredients that you would not normally use in your daily skin care routine.

It is a better idea to make masks at home than to go to the store to buy finished products. This will give you a more natural and additive-free mask, and you can be sure it was created just for your skin type.

While some masks are specifically designed for certain types of skin, the option we are now presenting is suitable for just about any skin type.

A natural mask for skin and hair from oats and brewer’s yeast

One of the benefits of choosing natural ingredients for your mask is that you can avoid those substances that may be harmful to your health. These can be parabens, paraffins and other ingredients derived from crude oil.

Effects of oats on skin and hair

Oats help moisturize both skin and hair.

Oats are an excellent product for human internal and external health, as they contain vegetable glue. These compounds are a soluble fiber with plasticizing properties. They moisturize and protect the skin as well as the hair and prevent them from drying out too much.

This is a very suitable ingredient for anyone with sensitive skin or with acne.

Oats have many nutrients that are good for the skin and hair, including vitamins B and E as well as minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium and calcium.

The composition of ground oats gently exfoliates your skin. This allows you to remove dead skin cells that accumulate on the outer layers of the skin and give it a hazy or aged appearance.

Benefits of brewer’s yeast for skin and hair

Brewer’s yeast is a good supplement for health and beauty, and it nourishes you inside and out.

It is rich in B vitamins and minerals (iron, chromium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, zinc and selenium).

  • This product is a great help when you want to remove impurities from your skin and treat acne, as the sulfur it contains makes it an effective cleanser.
  • Selenium also acts as an excellent antioxidant to help you fight cell aging.

When you enjoy brewer’s yeast internally or use it externally, you get more hydration and shine. As for the hair, it prevents their detachment as well as strengthens the roots of the strains when you use brewer’s yeast as described next.

Manufacture of oat brewer’s yeast mask

Prepare this mask for skin and hair from oats and brewer's yeast.

This mask is suitable for all skin types: oily, aged, sensitive, acne-prone and combination skin.

Because it contains brewer’s yeast and oats (which are balancing, cleansing and emollient ingredients), the amount of natural fat in the skin becomes regulated without resulting in too dry or oily skin.

In addition, this mask is suitable for all types of hair, because it regulates sebum production, and it  keeps hair hydrated, adding shine and softness from the very first use.

Necessary ingredients

Make this mask for skin and hair from the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons ground oats
  • 1 tablespoon brewer’s yeast
  • Water (as needed)
  • Optional ingredient: add three drops of essential oil to your taste (lavender, orange, mint, rose, cinnamon, lemon, etc.). You can notice how you feel relaxed and the mask makes a therapeutic effect on your skin and hair.

How is this treatment prepared?

  • First, mix the ground oats and brewer’s yeast. Then add water little by little until you get a smooth paste.
  • The mixture should not be too solid in composition, otherwise it is difficult to use. However, make sure it is not too liquid to avoid spilling it.

Do the treatment like this

  • It is important to put this mask on your hair and skin slowly as relaxation will promote its absorption.
  • Apply the mixture on the skin of your face and peel gently. Leave on for 15 minutes, then remove with a soft cloth.
  • Also apply the mixture to your hair and scalp. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

Did you already know the great benefits of oats and brewer’s yeast in beauty care? With this natural mask, you treat both your skin and hair conveniently and effectively.

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