Improve Leg Blood Circulation With Herbs

Improve leg blood circulation with herbs

Do you constantly suffer from tired, swollen and cramping feet? In this article, we will introduce you to effective herbs, easily improve blood circulation in your feet with these instructions!

Tired, compelling feet are a familiar affliction for many at the end of a long day. If you don’t get to move much during the day and do standing or sitting work, your blood circulation in the legs will be impaired and your leg muscles will get tired.

Lack of legs, muscle cramps and tingling are associated with impaired blood circulation. Exercise helps with symptoms and thankfully there are also homemade, natural plant extracts to treat them that improve blood circulation in an instant.

Improve blood circulation in the legs with plant extracts

herbs can improve blood circulation in the legs

The health of the body suffers if its parts do not get enough blood. Blood should circulate unimpeded in the internal organs, cells, muscles and tissues, as nutrients and oxygen pass through the bloodstream throughout the body.

Internally ingested vitamins and minerals strengthen and nourish hair, bones, nails and muscles, and also improve circulatory function.

Circulatory problems usually arise from lifestyles. If you suffer from a deficiency of a nutrient, exercise too little, or eat nutrient-poor and unhealthy food, it can lead to changes in blood pressure and blood vessel function.

Also, genetic and hormonal factors such as stress can affect blood pressure and blood circulation negatively. Due to a poor lifestyle, the walls of the blood vessels begin to harden and lose their elasticity, fat accumulates in the veins and blockages prevent the blood from circulating freely.

Fortunately, with just a few changes, you will get good results: exercise, a healthy diet, and determination already go a long way.  In addition, improve the blood circulation in your feet by trying one of the following natural products.


dandelion help to improve blood circulation in the legs

Dandelion provides a great remedial and soothing extract. If dandelion extract is a whole new acquaintance for you, we recommend adding it to your daily diet.

Dandelion is rich in tannin and soothing ingredients, making it a good treatment for improving blood circulation in the legs. We recommend enjoying a few cups of dandelion extract a day (one cup in the morning and another in the afternoon).

To prepare the extract, you need fresh dandelion blooms. Some wellness stores and organic stores may find dandelion extract pre-dried. Mix a tablespoon of dandelion in a boiling cup of water and let stand for 5 minutes. Enjoy warm.

You can make a dandelion a relaxing bath by mixing the blooms with bath water. In addition to drinking tea, you can make a bath for tired feet: swim in a towel in dandelion extract, squeeze dry and wrap around your feet.


rosemary helps restore blood circulation to the legs

Rosemary is often used to season meat dishes and rice, but did you know that it is also suitable for improving blood circulation? Rosemary can also be used as a pain reliever in various treatment products, such as as an essential oil in massage.

We recommend using rosemary to improve blood circulation in the legs once a day in the morning. All you have to do is soak two sprigs of rosemary in hot water for 10 minutes, strain the twigs and add a little honey for sweetening. Enjoy warm.


Cards are one of the most popular medicinal plants, they are readily available and have many health benefits. The cards are plants belonging to the fern species and can be purchased dried from many wellness stores.

The cards lower blood pressure and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, they also keep the blood vessels flexible and prevent them from hardening, helping the blood to circulate in the blood vessels normally.

Enjoy the horsetail with a glass of water after the first meal of the day. It is important to be regular in taking your card and taking it every day. Gradually you will notice how much better your feet feel: fatigue and feeling of pressure disappear.


Hawthorn is good for the heart. If you suffer from any heart disease or circulatory disorder, it is a good idea to add hawthorn to your diet. Hawthorn powder is found in many pharmacies and health stores, and its effectiveness has been known for decades.

Hawthorn not only accelerates blood circulation but also regulates cardiac arrhythmias such as tachycardia.

Hawthorn extract is easy to make and should be enjoyed immediately after breakfast. Mix hawthorn powder with a glass of water and let stand for 5 minutes before eating. Strain and drink in small sips, slowly. Hawthorn immediately improves the symptoms of compelling feet.

Olive leaves

olive leaves improve blood circulation in the legs

You may not have heard of the use of olive leaves before, but it is a very old trick to improve blood circulation in the legs. The active ingredients in the olive leaves lower and regulate high blood pressure, and they also act as dehydrators.

Olive leaves can be used to relieve tension, prevent heart disorders and chest pain, and reduce arrhythmias. If you combine olive leaves with hawthorn, you will get a very effective circulatory aid.

Put two olive leaves in a glass of water, let stand for 5 minutes, stir in a tablespoon of honey to taste and enjoy.

Ruscus Aculeatus

improve blood circulation in the legs

Have you heard of this powerful plant? In England, this plant is also called “butcher’s broom”. Ruscus aculeatus stabilizes capillary function and may be found in pharmacies or herbal stores, however, ordering online is probably the easiest way to buy this medicinal plant.

Ruscus aculeatus is commonly used to treat varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and swelling of the legs and ankles, and is one of the most effective substances that speed up blood circulation.

Prepare an extract from the leaves of the butcher broom and enjoy it two cups a day at any time. It is well suited as a coffee substitute for breakfast or as a pick-up boy for an afternoon snack. Mix a tablespoon of dried leaves in a cup of hot water and strain before drinking. You can also add leaves to the bath water.

If you find this in cream form, it can be rubbed directly onto the skin of your feet, causing it to immediately affect impaired blood circulation.

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