5 General Mocha Made By Parents In Raising Children

It is important that children learn to appreciate things and that doing things independently is good. Overprotection of children is detrimental to the growth of children.
5 general mocha made by parents in raising children

Every parent strives for perfection, even knowing it is impossible.  Bringing another person into this world also brings with it a lot of responsibility. It is common to worry about how imperfect a mother or father is to their own child, and the feeling may seem inadequate and helpless. Parents may read a lot of upbringing books and acquire plenty of hobbies for their children. Parents want their children to be the best, smartest and most successful.

It’s important to remember that kids don’t require you to be the best mom or dad in the world. Children long for your intimacy, for your love, for you to support and protect them and make them happy.  They long for them to mature and grow in peace, and learn to make their own decisions. This is caring for a child without overprotection.

It’s good to keep in mind the biggest mocha parents make when raising children. Keep these in mind and avoid them.

5 common mocha in raising children

1. You are not listening to a child


father and son talking

Children spend much of their time asking questions and wondering about things, children tell us about their day, their imaginative games and can comment on things in funny ways. Be patient and listen to every word of the child, even if they drift into longing and amusing statements.

If you don’t pay attention to your child or you’re too busy listening to them, there will come a day when your child will stop telling you things. The child may turn inward when they notice that the parent is not interested in his or her thoughts. Listen, ask questions and wonder about things with the child.

2. You punish your child for every mistake


girl doing homework

Children need boundaries around them to understand what is right and what is wrong, and what is expected of them. To grow and mature, they also need to make mistakes. Children can behave inappropriately, shout and rage in a public place, and do stupid things that an adult cannot comprehend. This is normal. Only by making mistakes does the child learn.

In raising children, it is important to identify when and how a child should be punished for bad behavior. One should always try to talk to the child about what has happened, and not just outright punish the child without understanding his or her position. If a child does something forbidden, teach him or her why something is forbidden. If a child doesn’t get through the exam, ask what happened, or if he hits another child at school, explain to him that the other isn’t allowed to hit, but also remember to ask why he did so.

Teaching is not punishment, but creates bridges to learning. Don’t forget to reinforce this process every day, guiding kids through their mistakes on the right path.

3. You do everything for your child

the girl is furious


It may take a long time for a child to learn to tie shoelaces or do homework. Don’t worry, even if your child takes longer to learn or master certain things. Every child is unique and learns and develops at their own pace. Parents should respect the special characteristics of their children.

If we do everything for the child: we tie the shoelaces and tell him the right answers to the math homework, we are making the worst possible mistake as an educator. Overprotecting children is a good way to raise immature and insecure children, as the child has not been allowed to try his or her own wings and learn to use his or her own resources and strengths. Give your child time and responsibility each day so they can learn about their inner strength and dedication. When a child achieves his or her goals on his or her own, he or she feels proud.

4. You expect your child to want exactly the things you are planning for him or her


the boy hides behind his hands

Maybe your child is an introvert? Maybe he likes things you can’t understand? Maybe he’s more independent than you’d like him to be? Respect the personality of the child and support him in everything he does. Even if you’re not yourself passionate about sports and would like your child to be more interested in reading than kicking the ball, give your child space to do exactly the things he or she wants. The child cannot be forced into the mold.

Every child has their own identity and it is good that the child has their own ideas and interests. This will help the child find their own happiness.

Raising children does not mean raising identical individuals whose brains function in the same way as parents. Help your child find their own path on the path to adulthood. Give him a chance to find just the right way for him to exist.

5. You compare your child to others


two boys are fighting

Comparing a child to other children is one of the educator’s worst mistakes. For example, mothers and fathers can let go of the following sentences:

“My child is not as smart as your daughter. Sometimes I wonder what he really becomes when he grows up. ” Or, “My older son is much more shy than our youngest child. He has no friends. The youngest, on the other hand, gets along with everyone and never causes me a headache. ”

Observe what you say in children’s hearing, as children understand more than we imagine. In the long run, such comments can hurt. By comparing children to others, we make them feel inferior and gnaw at their self-confidence.

So don’t compare your child to other siblings, a child’s schoolmates, or friends ’children. Every child is unique and valuable in their own way. Love them all equally and grow them into mature, responsible adults who are happy.

Avoid these five common mocha in parenting!

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