7 Tips For Preventing Neurodegenerative Diseases

Adhering to a healthy diet not only helps us get the nutrients we need, fight harmful factors in the body and train our brains, but also prevent degenerative diseases.
7 tips for preventing neurodegenerative diseases

The most well-known neurodegenerative diseases are Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, as well as Huntington’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS. Although they are incurable, progressively worsening diseases, there are some ways to prevent them if there is a genetic predisposition to them.

In this article, you’ll find seven natural tips for preventing or reducing symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases through diet, herbs, and some effective tips.

What are neurodegenerative diseases?

degenerative diseases in an old woman

Degenerative diseases of the nervous system are serious health problems that affect some of the body’s functions, such as its mobility, balance, speech, breathing, and heart rate.

Their onset is strongly associated with genetic predisposition, but some other factors may also contribute to their emergence, such as:

  • Accumulation of toxins in the body
  • Reactions to certain chemicals
  • Viruses

In some cases, the illness can also be caused by a mental condition, such as a shock that may have occurred some time before the onset of the illness.

The gradual degeneration caused by such a disease is a very difficult matter for the person suffering from it, as well as for his family and friends.

Tips for preventing these diseases

Next, we give 7 tips for preventing or alleviating the symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases and improving mobility.

1. Remove heavy metals

Nervous system degenerative diseases have been linked to e.g. heavy metals in the body, and especially in the brain. These metals enter the body in different ways:

  • By eating plenty of cold water fish such as salmon, tuna or swordfish. It is better to eat smaller cold water fish (mackerel, sardines, anchovies) or even better, white meat fish.
  • Through polluted air
  • Through food or environmental pesticides
  • Through broken objects such as a mercury meter or lamp
  • Included with some medications
  • Through pots and pans made of heavy metals such as aluminum

2. Clean with chlorella

Chlorella algae helps to remove heavy metals and other toxins that accumulate in the body. However, it only works if you follow the treatment consistently for at least three months.

There are certain supplements that also contain other effective ingredients such as garlic, coriander and magnesium.

3. Use your brain

brain exercise

The best way to prevent brain deterioration is to activate them and prevent them from “slackening”.

When you start noticing yourself with symptoms like memory problems or a lack of concentration, you need, more than ever, to do exercises to train your brain.

4. Eat walnuts

The shape of the walnut shows which organ it stimulates the most: the brain.

Walnuts have excellent nutritional value as they are rich in vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids and fiber. They also contain a large number of antioxidants that prevent oxidative degeneration of the brain.

5. Medical teas

tea drink for neurodegenerative diseases

There are some medicinal plants that increase cerebral blood flow and oxygen supply.

  • Ginkgo biloba: Very effective, but should not be used for more than two months in a tube.
  • Herb Frog Tube: Also known as gotu kola. Suitable for continuous use.

You can enjoy these in tea as well as capsules or tablets.

6. Essential oils

Aromatherapy is a method of treatment based on the use of quality essential oils to treat physical, mental and emotional health problems.

They can be used in fragrance diffusers, home cleaning products or body creams. You can also dip a cloth in them and put it next to your pillow to relax you at night.

You can choose from the following oils:

  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Sandalwood
  • Basilica

7. Balance the intestines

The intestine is closely linked to brain function through intestinal bacteria. As some studies have shown, people suffering from some diseases, such as degenerative diseases, have an altered intestinal bacterial population.

In addition to following a balanced diet that includes yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and vinegar, you can also take probiotics as a supplement. There are many types of these supplements, but you should choose products that have the highest possible number of probiotics in different strains.

This simple help will improve your quality of life.

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