6 Types Of Obesity

The problem posed by obesity is much more serious than what people usually think. It needs to be taken care of carefully, and the best thing you can do when you notice that a lot more pounds have come is to talk to your doctor. This will allow you to get the most appropriate solution for your situation.
6 types of obesity

There are several different types of obesity, but all of these can be managed if you take the help of an expert who can give you a suitable treatment plan.

“I don’t know what I could do to lose weight,” “my sister eats twice as much as I do, and she’s so skinny,” or “I just can’t stop eating” – are such phrases familiar to you too?

Have you heard them or perhaps said similar things yourself? And could any of them be true?

6 different types of obesity

To avoid frustration, we now want to tell you what the six different types of obesity are and how they differ in more detail.

However, to lose weight, it is best to visit an expert to get a diagnosis of your own situation, as well as a treatment plan that is individually tailored.

1. Hereditary obesity

different types of obesity: hereditary obesity

Have you ever noticed that there are families where every member of the family is overweight or obese? This can be due to two different reasons. Individuals may generally have poor eating habits at home, or they may have a hereditary tendency to suffer from this problem.

However, this does not mean that all patients with hereditary obesity should only be given up. While it is true that it is more difficult for such people to reach their goals, there are still some things that can be done to lose weight.

However, the genetic factors test must first be done so that the doctor can plan the right kind of change.

2. Obesity due to diet

This is the best known type. It is caused by a sedentary lifestyle and the fact that more calories are eaten than what is burned. This type of obesity can be solved more easily, i.e. by changing the diet and in addition the daily routine.

However, those with this type of obesity know that it is not quite as simple to resolve. The result requires lasting lifestyle changes. So it’s not about going to the gym and eating healthily for a year, but a change that affects the rest of your life.

Over time, however, you will be able to relax a little more, as your metabolism will be faster. The key, however, is that if you want to maintain results, you need to be very strict with your habits.

3. Obesity caused by the regulation of body hunger

6 different types of obesity

This is one of the most complex types of obesity. It means that the body does not regulate the feeling of hunger properly, so a person never feels full. So sometimes a person wants to eat even though he has already enjoyed a large amount of food.

When he then sits down at the table, he is unable to stop eating. At the heart of this problem is the constant lack of satiety that recurs after each meal, and it can get tricky because of the problem we describe next.

4. Obesity due to anxiety

Eating gives pleasure. Therefore, people with anxiety or other psychological problems may seek to counterbalance their discomfort with food. In general, they choose foods that are more sugar and fat.

In these cases, it is best to tell your doctor about your diet. A psychologist or psychiatrist can help you manage stress peaks as well as channel energy in another way. For these patients, the process can be very complicated as they leave out one of the few sources of well-being they have in their lives.

5. Obesity caused by endocrine

the woman is on a diet

The most common problem is hypothyroidism or hyperactivity.  Human Endocrine In this case, it does not function as it should, and therefore hormonal imbalances occur.

In the first case, the thyroid gland produces less hormones than it should to allow the body to metabolize the food eaten. In the second case, it secretes hormones too much again.

6. Heat-related obesity

We said earlier that a person becomes overweight and obese if he gets more calories than he burns. However, this is not the case when the body does not reach the temperature required to effect burning. Thus, almost everything a person eats causes weight gain.

Your doctor can be of great help in this, and it may also be necessary to consult another professional. If you only follow a meager diet, this can have serious health consequences.

This is because there is a risk of a reduction in food intake to such an extent that a person becomes dangerously lean or does not get all the vitamins and trace elements they need.

Obesity is a much more serious problem than people usually think and should be treated with care. The best thing you can do when you notice pounds starting to accumulate is to talk to your doctor. This will allow you to get the best solution for your situation.

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