Liver Cleansing, Health-promoting Foods

A healthy diet is the best way of keeping liver function and health in good shape and avoiding any side effects that unstable liver function can cause. By consuming the foods mentioned in this article, you will get useful foods for your body that will benefit not only the liver but the whole body.
Liver cleansing, health-promoting foods

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body, as it filters harmful substances such as alcohol, drugs and other substances from the blood and removes them over time. The liver cleansing foods we present in this article promote health in general.

Liver disease is common and can either start suddenly or develop slowly. The liver can be damaged by being overweight, many drugs, viruses and alcohol. Liver health should be taken care of as well as possible, and certain liver cleansing foods will help with this. Next, we present foods that cleanse the liver and promote overall health.

Liver cleansing foods



Liver cleansing foods: avocado.

Avocado is a deliciously creamy fruit that is suitable for treating liver health as it is rich in glutathione. Glutathione is one of the strongest antioxidants that prevents damage to the liver by harmful substances and ensures efficient liver function.

Cut the avocado into salads, mash it on top of the bread or add it to the pastries – there are many ways to use the avocado!

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera enhances glutathione production.

Aloe vera has many uses and is often found in beauty products due to its soothing and moisturizing effect. Aloe is also suitable for activating the liver and enhancing glutathione production. This beneficial effect on the liver is due to the polysaccharides contained in aloe, which help to remove toxins from the body. In addition, aloe vera slows down the aging process of the body, and keeps the cells in good condition.

The best way to utilize aloe vera is to grow the aloe plant yourself and use fresh gel as needed. Commercially available gel preparations may contain additives and may not be as effective as fresh gel.


Garlic helps remove heavy metals from the liver.

Garlic contains sulfur, which makes it a great helper for removing heavy metals from the liver. Garlic is especially suitable for removing mercury residues, as this metal easily accumulates in cells.

In addition to this, garlic activates liver enzymes and helps the liver clear itself.

Grapefruit and apples

An apple helps remove stones from the gallbladder.

Grapefruit is full of glutathione: just one glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice helps the liver produce enzymes that remove carcinogens and waste products. This helps to protect the liver from overload as well as various liver diseases. Consuming grapefruit juice is an easy and quick way to cleanse the liver and promote its health.

As for apples, the malic acid they contain helps to remove the stones found in the liver, gallbladder and bladder.

Lemon and lime

Citrus fruits such as lemon and lime are rich in vitamin C. These pungent fruits help to convert soluble waste products into easily digestible and thus help to remove them from the body through feces and urine. Citric acid also cleanses the digestive system and intestines, and helps keep them functioning effectively.

When buying lemons, try to choose fruits that still contain seeds, as often seedless lemons are genetically modified and may not have a similar cleansing effect on the liver.


The amino acid contained in nuts is suitable for liver cleansing.

Nuts are one of the best snack options: they are easy to carry, come in many different qualities and can be quickly grabbed in the mouth when hunger strikes. Nuts contain the amino acid arginine, which is ideal for liver cleansing.

In addition to this, nuts contain glutathione as well as Omega-3 fatty acids, both of which help the liver stay healthy and functional.

Olive oil

Olive oil helps bile work more effectively.

Olive oil is a great addition to the kitchen cabinet: it can fry and brown vegetables and meat, it is suitable for salad dressings and dipping. Olive oil is a great ally in liver cleansing because the nutrients it contains prevent liver fatigue and overload.

Olive oil helps the gallbladder to function more efficiently in bile secretion, which has a beneficial effect on liver function. This simple process helps pay off to remove toxins and keeps its ducts healthy.

Beetroot juice

Beetroot has a cleansing effect on the liver.

Beetroot is often recommended for the natural treatment and cleansing of liver health, as this colorful root is known to have a liver cleansing effect. The methyl in beetroot helps to remove especially heavy metals from the human body.

Enjoy beets fried, in soups or juiced.


Carrot beta-carotene helps in organ regeneration.

Carrots contain beta-carotene, which helps in the repair and regeneration of internal organs.

In addition, carrots are rich in bioflavonoids, which attack carcinogens. These properties help to improve liver function immediately.

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