Nasal Bleeding And Its Most Common Causes

When you have bleeding in the area behind the nasal septum, this bleeding is usually of a type that is not associated with any serious health problem. When you feel the blood begin to drain, you should block your nose with your fingers and lean your head forward.
Nasal bleeding and its most common causes

Epistaxis, or sudden nosebleeds, can be caused by a number of reasons. It may be associated with runny nose or dry nasal mucosa, but it may also indicate other, more serious health problems. These include, for example, high blood pressure in the arteries. If you yourself suffer from nasal bleeding very often, you should contact your doctor to determine the cause of the bleeding.

In this article, we will tell you some of the most common causes of nosebleeds. We also provide a few guidelines that you should keep in mind to help prevent more serious health problems associated with nosebleeds. So read on to get more information about this common ailment, which in some cases may be a symptom of the disease. 

Why does the nose bleed?

In some people, nosebleeds are more common than in others. A common cause of nasal bleeding is the leakage of blood vessels in the nasal mucosa. Usually, nasal bleeding occurs only from one nostril, sometimes from both.

Bleeding in the area behind the nasal septum is often mild and not dangerous to health. Nasal bleeding can be caused by excessive nasal contact, dry air, or allergic rhinitis.

In some cases , however, bleeding may be a symptom of untreated high blood pressure in the arteries.  The human body is an intelligent whole, and it communicates its problems to you by sending various signals – in this case, light bleeding so that the body can naturally lower the pressure in the arteries.

Here are some reasons for nosebleeds and advice on how to monitor your health based on the bleeding you experience.

Nasal bleeding is a common ailment especially in children.


Serious illnesses involving nosebleeds

While your doctor or ear, nose, and throat specialist is the only and right person to make the right diagnosis with a variety of tests, it’s good for you to know  what diseases may be associated with nosebleeds. In these cases, the bleeding is thus a symptom of some more serious health problem, in which case it is not normal nasal bleeding.

Nasal bleeding may occur in the following serious conditions:

  • liver disease
  • a tumor of good or poor quality
  • leukemia

What to do when bleeding from the nose?

When you feel the leak begin, you should block the nostrils of your nose with your fingers and lean your head forward. Do not tilt your head back too much and do not lie down,  as in both positions blood enters the throat and you do not feel when the bleeding stops. Wait a few minutes, and if the leak persists, go to the emergency room.

Once the nasal bleeding stops, do not engage in strenuous physical activity for a few hours. Also, make sure that you do not take any medicines that thin the blood or affect the platelets, such as aspirin. Also, do not try to pinch your nose very hard.

When considering going to the doctor for nasal bleeding, consider whether the following factors would be behind your nasal bleeding.

Vitamin C deficiency

One of the most common causes of frequent nasal bleeding – if the possibility of the disease is ruled out – is a deficiency of vitamin C in the body  . This vitamin helps strengthen nasal capillaries.

You can get more vitamin C from the following foods:

  • Citrus fruit (such as peeled, organically grown lemons)
  • Rosehip
  • Guava
  • Berries
  • Peppers
  • Parsley
  • Kiwi fruit
  • Broccoli
  • Strawberry

You can also take vitamin C as a supplement. It is not possible to overdose on vitamin C, as the body excretes this vitamin in the urine.

You get vitamin C from citrus fruits.


Cell salts

Cell salt is a natural product that provides minerals in homeopathic doses, which means that cell salts have no side effects.

There are 12 cell salts that represent the minerals naturally present in the body and that end up in the body daily through food. From cellular salts, your body gets the salts it needs and they promote the proper distribution of minerals in your body so that the minerals are in the right place at the right time. Each salt has its own function, and in particular the following salts are recommended for those suffering from nosebleeds:

  • calcium phosphate (Calcium Phosphoricum)
  • potassium sulphate (Kalium Sulfuricum)
  • iron phosphate (Ferrum Phosphoricum)

Enjoy cell salts by putting two pills on your tongue less than three times a day when you are not eating, drinking, or enjoying foods with a strong taste (such as chewing gum or toothpaste). The first dose should be taken in the morning, the next in the afternoon and the third in the evening. Continue this treatment for at least a month.

We recommend that you visit a doctor who specializes in natural medicine, who will give you personal treatment instructions.

Thus, nasal bleeding is usually harmless, but can also be associated with more serious illnesses. So if you suffer from nosebleeds very often, it is a good idea to contact your doctor and find out the cause.

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