There Are 3 Types Of Minds – What’s Yours?

Did you know that the human mind can be of three different types? Read more and find out which of these is the quality of your own mind!
There are 3 types of minds - what's yours?

The human mind is more diverse than we often think. In the field of psychology and personal growth, there is talk of three types of mind, or three approaches to the mind that have different characteristics.

Each of these three types encompasses a certain kind of mind dynamics, and is determined by sets of effective and useful methods of thought.

On the other hand, one thing that should be kept in mind here is that man does not always fit into a certain clear classification of the focus of the mind. Sometimes a person is actually all three types. In general, however, the human mind fits into one of these three categories.

This, in turn, determines the most effective way to solve problems and treat other people so that the person can have more satisfying and enriching relationships.

This time, we’ll take an in-depth look at this very interesting topic so you can think about a few essential things that can benefit you for yourself.

So keep reading – which of the following  three types of minds is yours?

1. The “liquid” mind

water drops and the human mind

Perhaps the concept of the “fluidity” of the mind is already familiar to you, as these theories were introduced by the recently deceased Zygmunt Bauman.

Sociologists and philosophers like Bauman warn that much of  today’s behaviors, reactions, and attitudes in our society are a clear result of the fluidity of the human mind.

Such a mind has the following main features:

  • The liquid mind is nimble and non-personal.
  • A person does not engage in introspection, and he is enthusiastic about what is popular, as well as about the expectations and needs of others, instead of having his own principles and values.
  • This way of thinking is not determined by certain opinions or compromises.
  • The focus of management is external.
  • A person has little creativity because he does not have much enthusiasm or commitment.
  • The relationships that a person forms are superficial, meaning that one day there is a great deal of interest in another, but in another one is already looking for something “new”.

2. Stiff mind

rigid human mind

Surely you know someone who thinks this way. His mind can be defined within the framework of the following characteristics:

  • He is clearly opposed to any change in his behavior, beliefs, or opinions.
  • It doesn’t matter that certain facts may show him wrong: he still stands firmly with his own beliefs.
  • He has a very limited range of reactions and behavior.
  • Her level of adaptation to the environment is very low and she doesn’t like new or unpredictable things.
  • Anything that is different from what he himself is is “dangerous”.

This means that a rigid mind does not adapt to its environment and is unable to understand other people’s opinions or perspectives. It suffers from the following psychological problems:

  • high levels of stress and depression
  • low tolerance for frustration
  • the experience of an accident in human relationships
  • problems at work
  • man lives in the past, and believes it was better than the present

3. Flexible mind

free human mind

A flexible mind transforms all the processes, approaches, and strategies that each of us should use in our daily lives.

Because such a mind contains some useful factors, that type of person is better able to adapt to the complex environment around him.

In this way, a person is not only more productive, because in addition, he can enjoy a better quality of life and be able to benefit from everything that the day brings before him.

These are the most essential features of a flexible mind:

  • The flexible mind is curious and includes a sense of humor and creativity as well as likes to try new things.
  • A person also has clear values ​​and his or her own opinions, but he or she is able to open himself or herself to other perspectives and understand them. He is able to embrace them if he realizes that they can help him grow on a psychological level.
  • A person has a satisfying relationship because he knows how to set his own boundaries and because he also understands how friendships, love and other important things are managed.
  • The flexible mind lives in peace with its own self. Such a person is able to feel  compassion, empathy, forgiveness, and respect for everything around him.
  • A person with a flexible mind manages stress and anxiety very well.

How do you think you can develop to be more flexible?

develop your mind
  • Be as curious as a child and be interested in everything around you.
  • Always take a critical attitude and not be content with one answer or option.
  • Listen, feel and play. Use your senses to get all kinds of information.
  • Be confident and defend your interests, but respect and consider other people’s interests.
  • Don’t be afraid of change, as it can always bring you something you need. It can teach you.
  • Learn from your own mistakes and be humble.
  • Remember, your own truth is not the only truth. In fact, there are an endless number of truths that you may sometimes ignore.
  • Disagree with authoritarian models.
  • Strengthen your own sense of humor.
  • Dare to be spontaneous.

This classification of the three mind types is worth considering because being aware of these differences can be helpful in understanding your own patterns of behavior and so that you can invest in your own personal growth.

So dare to develop your mind more flexible.

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