Exercises For The Prevention And Treatment Of Varicose Veins

Exercises for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins and ruptured blood vessels are caused by inflammation in the blood vessels. The blood vessels have flaps that open in only one direction and carry blood to the heart. If the flaps weaken, blood will accumulate in the veins and small blockages will form. As a result, when upright, the pressure in the veins rises and fluid seeps out of the blood vessels, causing swelling in the legs. In this article, we present various exercises for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins.

Symptoms of varicose veins

Varicose veins and ruptured superficial blood vessels usually appear in the lower extremities and may appear together or separately. Varicose veins are usually in the legs, especially in the legs, but they can also occur elsewhere in the body. Swelling of the veins is often associated with pain and tightness and itching of the skin. At night, when the limbs are at rest, the swelling is reduced, but for example, varicose veins, pain in the limbs or restlessness of the legs may occur. Aging increases the risk of varicose veins, as does overweight and a sedentary lifestyle.

Varicose veins can be treated with cosmetic methods and surgeries, but we recommend that you first try lifestyle changes to fade unaesthetic boils.

First, it is important to strengthen the leg muscles and help the blood vessels function normally. Regular exercise helps, but there are certain exercises that can focus attention specifically on varicose veins. These exercises are easy to perform and do not require any equipment, let alone in good condition – they are suitable for people of all fitness and ages.

Check out the exercises below and do them a few times a day, leaving enough time for your muscles to recover and rest.

Exercises for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins

In the supine position

Exercises to prevent varicose veins - lying down removes leg pressure.

When you rest your body after a long day in a supine position, either on the couch, in bed, or on the floor, take a moment to do the following exercises:

  • Get your back down to the ground, lift your legs up and lower them against the wall. This trick removes the pressure accumulated in the legs during the day and removes the pain and compulsive feeling. You will feel much more refreshed.
  • Lie on your back and bring your legs up directly above your hips. Spread your arms and bring your legs back together. Repeat a few times.
  • Lie on your back and lift your legs in the air, pedaling as if you were cycling. You can also draw circles in the air with your feet.
  • Hook your foot towards your chest and press it towards you gently using your hands. Let your knee rest alongside your side for a few seconds and then change legs. This exercise relaxes the calf muscles. You can enhance the effect by rubbing the calves.
  • Legs straight in a supine position, hook your toes 20 times on each leg.

In the sitting position

To prevent varicose veins, you can do exercises even at your desk.

If you spend a lot of time sitting either at work or at home, try the following exercises to speed up blood circulation and repel the feeling of pressure:

  • Stretch and bend your legs at regular intervals to ensure that the blood circulates freely.
  • Spread your legs apart and bring your toes back together. Repeat at least 30 times each time. Remember that it is important to dedicate yourself to the issue and perform exercises regularly every day to achieve the best results.
  • Rocking chair shop. Take off your shoes and press your feet to the ground, then push your heels up with the pads. Lower the heels to the ground and in turn lift the pads up with the heels supporting a few times.

I stand

Eradicate varicose veins with standing exercises.
  • Walk on your toes and then in turn on your heels.
  • Stretch your calves by pushing the heel to the ground and your toes towards the ceiling, you can reach out toes with one foot bent to deepen the stretch.
  • Take a break of at least five minutes during each hour you work, walk around, or stretch to get your blood moving. At meal time, take a stroll around the block, even if you have brought lunch with you.

Recommendations for the prevention and development of varicose veins

Foot massage stimulates blood circulation.

Foot massage

Moisturizing the skin is important, it keeps the skin soft and healthy. The application of fat comes from a superficial massage and enhances blood circulation. Visit a foot massage professional or wash your guy or spouse as a masseuse every now and then. If you spend a lot of time on your feet, it is especially important to relax them. Massage reduces swelling and coercion. It is also easy to rub your feet yourself:

  • Make small rotating movements on the skin of the feet , this will get the blood moving and stimulate the disappearance of any blockages or leaks. 
  • Apply the moisturizer upwards from the feet towards the stomach. This makes it easier for blood vessels to get rid of fluid buildup, salt, fat and toxins in the blood vessels.

Monitor your weight

Being overweight affects the development of varicose veins.

Being overweight is often a contributing factor to varicose veins, so staying healthy is important. It’s not always easy, but keep in mind that being overweight has a lot of side effects on your body. Being overweight makes blood circulation difficult and slower. Jojo weight loss is also not good, as weight loss and weight gain strain your blood vessels and heart, so try to stay at your ideal weight. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are the cornerstones of a normal weight, don’t start a starvation diet, but make small changes to your eating and lifestyle to ensure lasting results.

Change the position, do not get stuck in the same position for a long time

Be sure to vary your posture and observe your posture.

Squatting in front of the TV is allowed, as sometimes it is just the relaxation that body and mind need. However, don’t sit in your seats for hours, whether it’s for work or home. A long time spent in the same position makes frost circulating. Get up to walk, go to the bathroom, stretch, stay moving as much as possible. You can do the above exercises every day, especially if you sit in your fields at the desk a lot.

Varicose veins do not necessarily need to be treated with severe surgery, but sometimes the situation gets so bad that the aesthetic and physical harm is serious. Especially if the varicose veins are constantly sore and more and more are occurring, it is advisable to discuss treatment options with your doctor.

Walking is one of the best low-pace forms of exercise that does good for blood circulation and is recommended for the prevention of varicose veins. Walk for at least half an hour a day. Swimming and cycling are good options for the elderly and overweight as they do not strain the joints but strengthen the muscles.

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