7 Facts About Heart Murmurs

It is very important for your health to take care of your body, as neglect can have serious consequences. Blood circulation must be promoted for the heart to function effectively. However, this does not require any heavy sports, as brisk walking is enough to improve the condition of the heart.
7 facts about heart murmurs

Many people suffer from  heart murmurs.  While it is true that this phenomenon is mostly completely harmless, it is still good to know what exactly is at stake. In short, the murmurs of the heart mean that the instability of the circulation causes a strange sound as the blood passes through the blood vessels and valves of the heart.

Cardiac murmurs can be classified in different ways according to their severity (although in most cases they are harmless). J Skill side sounds can also be a message of some more serious heart problem. Therefore, they should always be taken seriously and it is good to be aware of the warning signs. So this time, we’re talking about the murmurs of the heart, so read on so you can prevent more serious symptoms in time!

1. What causes heart murmurs?

Woman and heart

Side sounds are often caused by heart valve problems. These can include flap thickening, congenital problems (which may require treatment over a longer period of time) and sometimes diseases such as atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. So here is one more reason to go for a regular health check-up and also a doctor who specializes in heart disease.

  • Anemia: Did you know that this health problem can also cause heart murmurs? This is due to a lack of red blood cells, which causes a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the blood. Because of this, the heart needs to pump blood faster, which can lead to side sounds. So be careful that you get enough iron from your diet!
  • Problems between the two flaps of the heart : this primarily means the difficulty of communication between the two atria of the heart or between its two chambers. The cause of this phenomenon is usually some congenital defect.
  • Atherosclerosis: This is a disease that should be taken seriously as it affects both the arteries and the function of the heart valves. The damage results from a contraction that causes an abnormal blood rhythm. As a result, there is a certain kind of hissing sound in the arteries, called a murmur.
  • Other factors related to murmurs: sometimes fever or some thyroid problem may also cause murmurs of the heart and then this phenomenon must always be taken seriously.

2. Warning signs of heart murmurs

Tired woman on the couch

Often people associate heart murmurs with fatigue. In addition, many people often find heart problems quite common and do not pay proper attention to them.

Several factors, such as stress, anxiety, or constant everyday exhaustion, cause many people to not see murmurs as an actual problem. They may be ignored as “ordinary,” although this is not the case. It is important to listen to your body properly and respond to the messages it sends  so that you can avoid the potentially dangerous consequences of heart murmurs. Therefore, always pay attention to the following warning signs of heart murmurs.

  • When you do something that requires physical effort, you will soon realize that your heart is starting to beat faster. For example, if you go up the ladder or stairs, or when you run a little to get on the bus, or just take care of the morning things in a hurry, you’ll immediately feel the familiar exhaustion and the acceleration of your heartbeat. This is the most typical and clearest omen of murmurs.
  • You have difficulty breathing. When, for example, you have walked a bit, you will find yourself having to stop, because you feel that you are not getting your breath properly.
  • You feel pain in your chest that is like a burning plate in this area. The pain starts to feel every time you do something that requires a little physical effort.
  • More serious symptoms related to murmurs are also bluish lips and fingertips if, for example , you have climbed stairs or otherwise exerted physical exertion. This is a sign that you have severe hypoxia in your blood and a condition called cyanosis. In this case, tell your doctor.
  • You have swelling and you find that your body is constantly accumulating fluid.
  • If you move a little more briskly, the blood vessels in your neck will start to swell considerably.
  • You should be very careful if you notice even a slight sign of any of the above symptoms.
  • Also, keep this in mind: if you find that your child is lagging behind the normal development of their peers and that he or she is also very often tired, talk to your pediatrician.

3. Can heart murmurs be prevented?

Pomegranate seeds in the form of heart

If you find yourself showing signs of possible side sounds in your heart, remember that sounds are sometimes associated with congenital problems. P Aras way to treat such situations is always to follow your doctor’s instructions and recommendations. Also, keep your daily routines in such a way that you can contribute to your overall well-being, that is,  eat healthily and make other necessary lifestyle changes as well.  This will effectively prevent many heart problems. More specifically, it would be a good idea to follow these guidelines:

  • Keep your cholesterol levels under control: this prevents hardening of the arteries and other blood vessels and thus allows you to maintain efficient blood circulation.
  • Make sure your body gets enough iron so you don’t suffer from anemia. Never exclude iron- and vitamin C-rich products from your diet that prevent anemia.
  • Keep your diet in balance and eat varied. This means, among other things, that you reduce the consumption of fats and industrially processed foods and also limit the amount of processed flour and salt.
  • There are plenty of  teas and stews on offer that promote heart health. These include horseradish, horseradish, lemon, horseradish, hawthorn, rosemary and rut. Even green tea is good for the heart. So there is a lot of choice, so don’t hesitate to become a tea drinker!
  • A small amount of exercise every day is good. If you do not have any serious heart problem, it is very healthy to exercise regularly so that you can keep your heart at the right pace. A walk of 20 minutes or a short swim is enough.
  • Finally, and certainly most importantly, we want to say that regular heart visits to a doctor who specializes in heart disease are effective for heart problems . This will allow you to rule out the possibility of serious heart disease. For this, you thank your whole body and your well-being!

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