Sweeten Your Life With Healthy Coconut Oil

Coconut oil provides energy. It also keeps your blood sugar levels steady.
Sweeten your life with healthy coconut oil

How do you sweeten your morning coffee? Maybe you use sugar? Adding sugar to coffee may seem like a trivial act, but in reality, your energy levels rise quickly and fall like a cow’s tail in half an hour. Is this surprising?

On the other hand, if you add a teaspoon of coconut oil to coffee instead of sugar, you will start your morning much healthier. Coconut tastes sweet, so it works like sugar but does not raise blood sugar levels. At the same time, you get more energy. Coconut oil is obtained by processing coconut flesh and is a completely natural health product with many beneficial effects.

Take a closer look at coconut oil in this article and add sweetness to your life healthily.

How much sugar do you use daily?


fine sugar and sugar cubes

It is difficult to completely remove sugar from life as it is found in many foods. Sugar is especially used to sweeten hot drinks such as tea and coffee. Resisting sugar can be difficult, but well worth the effort, as sugar can harm the body in the long run, especially if consumed in large quantities.

  • White sugar is a highly processed food. It is nowhere near any natural product, nor is it healthy. Sugar causes dangerous spikes in blood glucose, and accumulates as adipose tissue around the body, especially in the abdomen and thighs. However, at their most dangerous, fat deposits are in the blood vessels.
  • If your body is used to eating sugar, your blood cholesterol levels will rise and you may be more susceptible to heart problems. Is it worth eating sugar? Hardly.
  • Sugar is a “sweet poison” that weakens the immune system and causes diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Sugar can also increase the risk of cancer.

If you decide to stop using sugar, how can you replace it? With coconut oil!

Healthy coconut oil is the best sweetener


coconut fat in a spoon

Coconut oil is readily available at grocery stores. Coconut oil is often a little more expensive than sugar or other oils, but it is a totally value for money product. Coconut oil is only used in small amounts, so a jar is far enough.

1. Coconut oil is delicious and does not contain any sugar

Coconut is naturally sweet, but coconut oil does not contain any sugar, not even fructose. The taste of the oil is delicious, tropical and sweet and is surprisingly great as a sweetener. Coconut oil is suitable for making desserts and can also be used for cooking and as a sweetener in smoothies and juice drinks. You can safely add it to any meal as it does not contain a gram of carbohydrates.

2. Coconut oil is full of healthy fats

Coconut oil contains a lot of lauric acid, which is one of the healthiest fatty acids.  In addition, the oil provides antioxidants that are acceptable to the heart. What makes coconut oil particularly interesting is that it has an antibacterial and fungicidal effect. This prevents oil contamination and oxidation, so the oil stays at room temperature for a long time.

3. Foods that contain coconut oil provide more energy

Coconut oil is full of healthy energy, so it’s the opposite of white sugar : white sugar when you don’t get any nutrients. Sugar raises blood sugar quickly, but it also drops quickly: a sugar spike leads to fatigue and unavailability.

When you choose coconut oil instead of sugar, you keep your blood sugar levels at an ideal level because coconut oil is not converted to glucose in your body. Instead, the oil is converted directly into energy, making it perfect for replacing sugar.

4. Adaptability of coconut oil

You may have encountered this problem when preparing desserts: many recipes require the use of melted sugar. The sugar is melted by heating it in a pot, but as the sugar melts, it oxidizes and releases free radicals that are harmful to health.

The same does not apply to the use of coconut oil. Coconut oil is usually solidified when standing in a jar, but when it warms up, it becomes liquid. The oil does not need high temperatures for heating, but already 20 degrees is enough to soften the oil. Thus, the oil can be easily mixed with other ingredients and does not need to be boiled in a pot or melted in a microwave.

5. Coconut oil is a beneficial ingredient for health

Coconut oil is suitable for people with hypothyroidism, as it is rich in B vitamins, calcium, folic acid and many other useful compounds. Coconut oil is often used as part of a dieter’s diet because it boosts metabolism and speeds up calorie burning. Unbelievable, isn’t it?


coconut fruit flesh

Coconut oil is a natural wonder that is suitable for daily consumption. Add a drop of oil to your morning moth, coffee, tea or prepare it using delicious desserts. It is also suitable for frying food, so even try cooking chicken and vegetables in coconut oil. Coconut oil gives sweetness and a tropical element to many different foods. Coconut oil can also be used externally in beauty treatments.

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