Laryngitis: Causes, Symptoms And Treatments

Inflammation of the vocal cords causes sore throat and changes in voice. Sometimes inflammation can be of infectious origin, but it can also be the result of excessive use of sound. How is vocalitis treated?
Inflammation of the vocal cords: causes, symptoms and treatments

When our vocal folds become inflamed, our voice becomes strange and discomfort in the throat warns us that everything is not right. In winter, this ailment is normally associated with, for example, the flu and changes in temperature. However, there can also be occupational diseases behind the inflammation of the vocal cords.

The vocal cords are really small muscles located in the larynx. As air passes through the vocal folds, we can produce sound precisely because of the vibrations experienced by these fibers. When inflammatory factors accumulate in this area, it is, of course, logical that it also becomes difficult to speak.

Causes of vocalitis

Inflammation can occur in the vocal folds themselves, over the entire area, or as a result of a growth process on the surface of the vocal folds. The causes of inflammation of the vocal cords can be either contagious or non-contagious.

Infectious diseases include viruses and bacteria. Infections caused by viruses and bacteria occur mostly in autumn and winter, when low temperatures favor the spread of virus particles and microorganisms from the air, and when they enter the human body, they manage to inhabit this anatomical area.

The immune system defends itself by mobilizing white blood cells and immunoglobulins into the area, which in turn increases the flow of fluids, which, due to the thinness of the vocal cords, causes them to collapse. In this way, the functionality of the vocal folds decreases as the process continues.

Inflammation of the larynx due to infection can last up to 3 weeks, and often without the presence of the substance that caused the original inflammation. This is because the body’s own immune response is prolonged over time, at which point the inflammation also continues despite the fact that the pathogen that originally infected it is no longer present.

At the other extreme are, above all, reasons of professional origin. For example, teachers, professors, and other people who talk a lot in their work are well aware that neglecting and excessive use of sound management leads to the occurrence of various nodules and polyps.

Infected vocal cords due to work are also the subject of forensic research. Indeed, inflammation of the vocal cords is generally considered to be the result of inadequate prevention in many workplaces, especially in schools.

When sound is used too much – for long periods of time without rest, without hydration, and at high noise levels – the small muscles in the larynx begin to collect fluid by rubbing against each other. If the practice continues, it will result in chronic inflammation of the vocal cords.

Infections of the labia caused by viruses and bacteria occur mostly in autumn and winter
Inflammation of the vocal cords can be caused by an infectious or non-infectious agent. It is a common ailment especially for teachers, speakers and singers.

Symptoms of laryngitis

When we talk about laryngitis or inflamed vocal cords, the first symptom we notice is changes in the voice. At the same time, however, it is not the only sign of this nasty effort.

Not everyone changes the voice according to the same formula. In others, the volume drops out of compulsion; whether they wanted to shout or increase their pitch, the volume remains low. For others, inflammation of the vocal folds causes complete loss of sound, which we call aphonia.

Sore throat is also not uncommon. Sometimes the symptoms are confused with pharyngitis affecting the upper throat, or if the patient has difficulty swallowing, the symptoms may be incorrectly associated with oesophageal disorders. In laryngitis, on the other hand, the pain arrives in an insidious way, in a constant way over time, which in turn makes it difficult for the patient to rest and sleep.

It may also come as a surprise to many that during a laryngitis, the patient may snore. This becomes clearer especially in overweight people, because in the horizontal position the weight of the neck puts more pressure on the larynx, thus interrupting the normal flow of air.

Paralysis of the vocal cords due to inflammation is the most serious form of this disorder. Even muscles can be exhausted from excessive exertion, and in the worst case, they can even lose their muscle tension.

How are inflamed vocal cords treated?

The treatment of the pathology depends on the cause of the inflammation of the vocal cords. Treatment for viral laryngitis is not the same as treatment for polyps caused by excessive sound use. Similarly, the approach to treating a person with chronic dysphonia is different from treating aphonia due to inflammation, which often improves on its own in a few days.

Next, we outline the most common causes of otitis media and how to treat them:

  • Viral laryngitis: This is the most common infection leading to inflammation of the vocal cords. There is no special treatment for it because antibiotics do not work against viruses. So try to let your voice rest and wait for recovery. In some cases, NSAIDs may be needed to relieve pain and remove mucus that has accumulated in the throat. Cough medicines are not recommended because they are not helpful in this case either.
  • Nodules and polyps: These disorders of vocal cords overgrowth are addressed by research, which may be therapeutic or laryngoscopic analysis specializing in laryngeal examination. In a laryngoscope, a device with a camera and surgical instruments is inserted through the nose. If necessary, the nodule or polyp found in the throat is removed, but if there is no need for this surgery, the doctor will often suggest rehabilitation to the patient along with a speech therapist.
  • Laryngeal cancer : The approach to this pathology is always oncological. In this case, the doctor determines the severity of the cancer and the classification of its stages. This allows the doctor to decide if surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination of all of these are needed to treat the cancer.
The origin of vocalitis must be determined to find the right treatment. Sometimes it is enough to rest your voice for a few days, but sometimes you have to resort to medication or other measures to treat the discomfort.

Inflammation of the vocal cords: when to see a doctor?

The vocal folds are sensitive organs. They need to be taken care of because voice allows us to communicate with others, and communication is, of course, made more difficult if our voice changes or we lose it altogether.

If you suffer from dysphonia, aphonia, or a sore throat that does not heal on its own despite a few days of rest, it is recommended that you see a doctor. In the case of viral laryngitis, your doctor will prescribe the best possible treatment for your situation and enough rest. If there is reason to suspect a nodule or polyps, a doctor who specializes in ear, nose and throat will perform an invasive procedure to see what the cause of the sound problems is after all. This is a quick procedure to help you find the right diagnosis.

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