Let The Tears Come: The Benefits Of Crying

Crying makes us feel better. While it shouldn’t make the problems go away, it kind of cures our heart. If you feel your tear ducts open, don’t try to hold back in vain, but let them cry.
Let the tears come: the benefits of crying

Withholding crying and tears during difficult times may prevent emotions from erupting. Next, we’ll tell you the benefits of crying, and why it’s good for your health. Let the tears come!

Tears are a way to dispel negative emotions. That way, they won’t stay inside us, causing stress, depression, pain, anxiety, or frustration later in life. Next, we go through the benefits of crying in difficult times.

It is true that one of the greatest functions of tears is to protect the eyes from stimuli as well as external debris. On the other hand, tears are also a sign of courage, strength, and authenticity. Crying is essential for maintaining health and reducing stress. 

While there are many benefits, it is important to keep in mind that not all situations may contribute to alleviating grief. But do you know what? You can still try!

There are three different types of tears

the man is crying

Tears lubricate the eyes, providing them with protection against external stimuli. In addition, they reduce stress hormones and contain antibodies that fight pathogenic bacteria.

There are three types of tears:

  • Instinctive tears: Instinctive tears are reflected in threat situations. They contain antibodies that help remove harmful stimuli from the eyes. Such a stimulus can be, for example, smoke, gas or dust.
  • Regular tears: These tears always occur at certain intervals as their function is to keep the eyes moisturized. They contain lysozyme , an enzyme with antiseptic properties. They also act as antibacterials and thus protect the eyes from inflammation.
  • Emotional tears: Emotional tears arise from intense emotions such as joy or grief. They offer particular benefits for emotional health, as they prevent emotional suppression, which could later manifest as symptoms of depression and anxiety, for example.

The benefits of crying

1. It helps you find a connection with others

We know that in some situations, crying and showing emotion can be challenging. However, it is the best way to open up in the company of another.

If you are crying and you feel comfortable with someone, let the tears come. Good friends will no doubt appreciate sincere tears.

a man comforts a weeping woman

2. It releases tension

It’s hard to move forward in life if you hide your feelings forever. Carrying the burden alone can be detrimental to mental health. That’s why it’s important to cry when you feel like it.

While it may not solve problems right away, it can still give a new perspective on things, and thus perhaps even help you find a solution in difficult times. Remember, things always get in the way. In the meantime, it’s important to let the repressed emotions out.

Cry as much as you need: time to heal.

3. It helps manage stress

Emotions cannot always be explained by reason. If you give your emotions power, you can find the ultimate reason to hide them. 

You become more and more aware of a problem that requires your attention. This is how you will also find an antidote to the stress it causes.

4. It makes you feel better

There is no doubt that crying will not make you feel better in difficult times. It is a way for you to relieve the pain caused by repressed emotions.

Most of the time, it is true that crying helps and makes us feel better.

5. It gives new perspectives

girl, let the tears come

It is possible that crying will make you aware of your weakness. Thus, however, it will help you face your problems face to face and also find different and more suitable solutions for difficult situations.

Overall, crying is liberating.

6. It is healthy

Crying is not just an eruption of emotions. It is a mechanism that reduces stress and anxiety.

In addition, it releases hormones that lower manganese levels. To a large extent, this mineral can cause fatigue, irritability and depression.

7. It restores emotional balance

Crying is not just a way to dispel sad or difficult feelings. Joy, fear, or stress can also lead to crying.

In any case, tears help restore emotional balance.

8. It will grow you

If you can truly face your own vulnerabilities and your own shortcomings, you will move forward in your life all the time.

Remember that crying will help you grow spiritually. If you don’t allow crying to come, it could become a lifelong burden for you.


Finally, we would like to encourage you to leave behind any misunderstandings you may have been told about crying. The truth is that crying is good for your health as it helps you get rid of grief and stress. It is also a way to express feelings of joy.

Crying is not a sign of weakness. It’s actually the opposite: those who are brave are also able to be genuinely vulnerable by expressing their feelings freely.

If you don’t let yourself cry, it can affect you negatively in the long run.

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