Different Types Of Abortions: What You Should Know About Them

It is good to be aware of what types of abortions exist. They are subject to different laws and time limits. Keep reading and we’ll tell you more.
Different types of abortions: what you should know about them

Abortion means the termination of a pregnancy before the 180-day time limit is reached. There are three types of abortions: spontaneous, ie spontaneous, therapeutic and induced. Abortion can cause vaginal bleeding, whether it is a natural or induced abortion.

Causal abortions


In the case of such an abortion, the woman does not make the decision about the abortion herself. Most miscarriages occur during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. They usually do not require surgery.

Some causes of miscarriages are due to chromosomal as well as uterine artery abnormalities. Endometriosis and myomas can also be causes of miscarriage.

Smoking, alcohol, drug use, and traumatic situations can also increase the risk of miscarriage.

Induced abortion

Induced abortion means that a woman  intentionally wants to terminate a pregnancy.

Therapeutic abortion

In this abortion, the  doctor terminates the pregnancy if the health of the mother or fetus is at risk. This can happen if there is a risk of death or other immediate health risks associated with the pregnancy, such as mental health problems.

Abortion laws

There are different types of abortions.

Illegal abortions

Abortions are illegal when they are performed in violation of the law of that state. If abortions are prohibited by law, women often resort to dangerous and risky abortions. In such countries, the risk of mortality for expectant mothers is higher than in countries where abortions are allowed.

Legal abortions

Even the most advanced laws punish pregnant women and abortion doctors if the time limits for abortion are not met. In connection with this, fines or even imprisonment may be imposed. Abortions are legal in almost every country in the world, for at least some reasons, except in six countries.

The time limit  allows for a certain framework within which abortion is legal. In Finland, this interval is, for example, 20 weeks or, in special cases, 24 weeks. It also includes a three-day reflection period. There are many different reasons why having an abortion is legal. In the United States, each state can again make its own abortion laws.

Different abortions depending on how the procedure is done

Abortions can be done for a variety of reasons.

1. Medical abortion

A woman can have a medical abortion with pills until the seventh week of pregnancy. First, a pregnant woman takes one or more mifepristone tablets. After 24 or 48 hours, the woman is given misoprostol to remove the pregnancy bag.

However, these drugs are only given in hospitals and approved health centers.

2. Surgical abortion

This type involves abortions based on different techniques:

  • Cervical dilation and suction scraping. First, the cervix is ​​gradually enlarged. Then it is scraped. The doctor does not make any incisions or surgeries, meaning it is not a surgical procedure. However, an abortion requires a doctor and the right equipment. A doctor can perform such an abortion for up to 17 weeks, and the procedure usually takes 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Cutting. A gynecologist or surgeon will perform this operation.
  • Cervical dilation and induction. This procedure is used when an abortion is performed at weeks 16-19. However, it carries a higher risk because the pregnancy has already progressed further. It is always done under anesthesia and as a surgical procedure. The cervix is ​​dilated and the doctor uses surgical instruments to remove the fetus. The procedure usually takes 10-30 minutes, but recovery can take several hours.
  • Scraping. In this procedure, the walls of the uterus are scraped. Gynecologists also use this method to perform other procedures. It is also used for exceptional reasons, if recommended by the World Health Organization.
  • Delayed medical abortion or induced abortion. This method uses both a medical method to dilate the cervix and a surgical procedure to remove the contents of the uterus. However, there are certain risks associated with 19 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. The doctor should therefore assess the situation on a case-by-case basis, as it requires anesthesia. Induction has to be repeated in some cases.

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