How Can You Use Hydrogen Peroxide?

How can you use hydrogen peroxide?

Many of us have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in the medicine cabinet to treat and disinfect small ulcers, but did you know that you can use hydrogen peroxide for many more? Hydrogen peroxide can be used to cleanse, lighten hair and take care of oral health, among other things – read more!

How to use hydrogen peroxide at home

H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) consists solely of water and oxygen, but is nonetheless one of the most effective bactericides. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most effective natural disinfectants. Hydrogen peroxide occurs naturally in the body, as produced by white blood cells to help fight infections and bacteria. It is abundant in breast milk and especially abundant in colostrum.

One of the functions of hydrogen peroxide is to activate and strengthen the immune system, so the body’s ability to produce hydrogen peroxide itself is an absolute prerequisite for health. The miraculous all-helping effect of hydrogen peroxide is based on an extra oxygen atom that reacts sensitively and acts as a free radical, destroying harmful bacteria, viruses and yeasts. It also results in bubbling and foaming as excess oxygen is released in the reaction. Undiluted, hydrogen peroxide is a very toxic substance, but when diluted, it can be used in many ways to clean a home. 

The hydrogen peroxide solution can be purchased in different concentrations from pharmacies. Use a dilute 3% solution for cleaning and stain removal to avoid damaging home surfaces or textiles.

For bleaching clothes, towels and sheets

Add 230 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide to the wash water of white clothes or other textiles to reduce graying or yellowing of the clothes. Hydrogen peroxide also removes blood stains from carpets: rub the hydrogen peroxide on the stain, let it soak for a few minutes, and grind off with a brush. Rinse with cold water. 

Cleansing and rejuvenating bath

Pour a few tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (3%) into warm bath water. Flour in the bath for half an hour and add warm water if necessary. Hydrogen peroxide removes disease-causing bacteria from the skin’s surface and thoroughly cleanses the skin. 

use of hydrogen peroxide in the bath

Treat legholders with hydrogen peroxide

Legs are a disgusting affliction, but they can be brought under control quickly with hydrogen peroxide. Mix a small amount of hydrogen peroxide with the same amount of water. Apply the mixture to the spaces between the toes, nails and areas where leghold traps are present. Allow hydrogen peroxide to be absorbed in peace. If you suffer from chronic ankylosing spondylitis, make the hydrogen peroxide mixture stronger and mix it with hot, distilled water – apply to your feet twice a week. 

Use hydrogen peroxide for enema or bowel lavage

Add 230 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide to 15 liters of water for bowel rinsing. Add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to a liter of hot, distilled water for enema.

Prevent inflammation

Pour a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on the wound a few times a day. If the wound area has already become inflamed, completely immerse it in hydrogen peroxide. 

Tick ​​bites

Sprinkle hydrogen peroxide on the mite bites every hour to ward off the infections caused by the mites.

hydrogen peroxide treats infections caused by ticks

Relieve sinusitis

Mix a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide with a few deciliters of water, pour into a small spray bottle and use as a nasal spray.  This remedy is also suitable for treating the common flu and removing nasal congestion. Do not use hydrogen peroxide spray for more than a few days.

Use as a mouthwash

Hydrogen peroxide is great for oral health, as it effectively kills bacteria and even whitens teeth. Pour a few milliliters of hydrogen peroxide into your mouth and spray for 10 minutes, do not swallow hydrogen peroxide. If you have sores or aphthous in your mouth, hydrogen peroxide will clean and dry them. Hydrogen peroxide also has a whitening effect, so if you suffer from darkened or dirty teeth, a spray of hydrogen peroxide can lighten dark spots on your teeth.

Hydrogen peroxide prevents bacteria from accumulating on the surface of the teeth and reduces the risk of cavities – many use hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash after brushing their teeth. You can try homemade toothpaste made from hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. To make sure your toothbrush stays clean, let it stand occasionally with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide.

Hair bleaching and striping

Hydrogen peroxide has a whitening effect that can whiten hair by a few degrees. Dilute hydrogen peroxide in water (50/50) and drain into hair after washing. Comb your hair. You will immediately notice how the hair has bleached. However, keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide does not produce platinum-white cuts.

hydrogen peroxide lightens hair

For cleaning your home

Hydrogen peroxide effectively kills bacteria and pimples, leaving a fresh and clean scent. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to clean all surfaces of the home from the kitchen table to the windows.

Pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide into a cleaning cloth or cloth, or mix with the cleaning product you normally use. Rub hydrogen peroxide on the mirrors and windows and you will notice how easily they brighten. If you want to brighten dishes and glasses, add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to the wash water. Hydrogen peroxide is especially suitable for cleaning the washroom and toilet, as it kills bacteria effectively. Clean wooden cutting trays after treating meat or vegetables with hydrogen peroxide.

Combine hydrogen peroxide with vinegar and the result is one of the most effective, inexpensive and easiest disinfectants. Use hydrogen peroxide to clean children’s toys, shoes, towels and floors. It is also suitable for removing mold from the ceiling and floor border.

For the treatment of acne

Hydrogen peroxide is suitable for direct application to the skin as it is an effective but gentle disinfectant. If you suffer from acne, try hydrogen peroxide for home treatment of this embarrassing skin problem. Thoroughly clean your face and remove all makeup, pour hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swab and pat it on the problem areas: neck, face and back. Use hydrogen peroxide with caution as it may dry out and irritate the skin. If you do not notice any adverse reactions, you can use hydrogen peroxide twice a week.

treatment of acne with hydrogen peroxide

For the treatment of sore throat

Sore throats afflict many, especially during the flu seasons and cold seasons. You can gargle with hydrogen peroxide to ward off a sore throat. Mix 50 milliliters of warm water with the same amount of hydrogen peroxide and use for creasing and do not swallow the mixture. Hydrogen peroxide kills sore throat bacteria and inflammation and prevents the flu from getting worse.

For cleaning the ears

Mix a drop of hydrogen peroxide with a small amount of warm water, dip the swab in the mixture and gently clean the ears. Ear resin and dirt are easily removed.

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