What Is The Real Secret Of Charm? Science Has The Answer

It can be said that the secret of charm lies in the neural network of our brains. It determines whether the emotional signals are effective or not.
What is the real secret of charm?  Science has the answer

It has been debated for centuries about what makes a person attractive.  Charm depends on context, cultural values ​​and lifestyle, some still believe that physical charm is the deciding factor.

Physical traits do have their own significance in charm, but it has been shown that they are not the only things that determine a person’s charm in the eyes of others.

Charm is more than just looks

In fact, some believe that a person’s charm is directly related to his personality and the qualities that a person admiring him sees in him.

In addition to this, scientific studies have shown that one very important component of charm lies in the brain and its ability to understand other people’s feelings and intentions.

Scientists from the University of Lübeck (Germany) recently conducted a study published in PNAS. The study found that the better we are able to interpret other people’s feelings, the more attractive we are in the eyes of others.

The real secret of charm lies in the brain

charm is more than just looks

By analyzing neurotransmitters stimulated by charm, the researchers were able to determine that a person’s ability to read other people’s emotions is of great importance to charm.

According to Silke Anders, Professor of Affective and Social Neuroscience and Founder of Research at the University of Lübeck:

“The ability to understand another person’s feelings and intentions is very important to the success of social interaction. People need to understand and constantly analyze the other person’s intentions and feelings, anticipate their behavior and adapt to their own needs as needed to make the interaction successful. ”

This result was achieved by examining 90 people who were asked to watch videos of women expressing either fear or sadness. After watching the videos, participants had to assess how the women felt and state how confident they were in their own assessment.

As participants complete this task, the researchers analyzed their brain activity to measure their level of charm. The researchers found that the more accurate a person’s assessment of women’s mental state was, the more attractive she seemed.

This can potentially mean that the easier it is for you to interpret other people’s feelings correctly, the more charming you are. This is because interpreting emotions activates the brain’s reward center and thus produces pleasurable sensations.

brain connection and charm

What to deduce from the research results

Very interesting in these research findings is the role that both the sender and the recipient play in the interaction situation. The ability to understand others and accurately identify their feelings depends on the amount of neuronal activity that manifests itself in conjunction with charm.

For example, if a person’s facial expression shows fear or sadness, the recipient processes it effectively in their brain, and this triggers the reward center in his or her brain and increases his or her charm in the eyes of the person showing emotion.

Previous studies have found differences in the neural networks of individuals who were unable to “read” other people’s emotions. These people usually also have problems with communication and charm.

For this reason, some scientists say a lack of communication does not necessarily mean a lack of interest. The neural network of such people is simply not enough for them to be able to express themselves properly.

attraction is relative

Anders recognizes that the study is too small to make any categorical claims. However, he admits that he wants to look more closely at how the ability to read other people’s emotions changes as a person ages and can promote that ability through practice.

It would also be interesting to examine whether the ability to read other people depends on our own innate qualities, or whether there are other factors that make it possible.

In any case, these conclusions give a whole new explanation for what makes a person attractive and why some people are more attractive than others.

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