Treatment Of Chronic Fatigue With Diet

If you suffer from fatigue from that or even daily, you should pay attention to your diet. Try these diet tips and remember that the better you eat, the better you will feel.
Treatment of chronic fatigue with diet

Do you feel constantly unruly? No matter how much you sleep, aren’t you still excited to do anything? If you recognize these signs in yourself, the problem may be chronic fatigue. Treatment for chronic fatigue should start with a diet check, and in this article we will look at what it should include.

Chronic fatigue causes the mornings to immediately make one feel like drinking a large cup of coffee. But that doesn’t seem to help either, because when the fatigue is constant, you feel weak and energyless all the time.

This is a complex problem that cannot be linked to any particular disease. Perhaps the worst consequence for a chronically tired person is that the feeling gets worse as the day progresses and chores just accumulate.

The good news, however, is that treatment for chronic fatigue may be possible by changing lifestyles. Diet is very important for the endurance of body and mind, so let’s look at what to consider:

1. Ensure good hydration

treatment of chronic fatigue

Treatment of chronic fatigue requires adequate fluid intake. Skip all sugary juices and soft drinks, and enjoy plenty of water and natural brews and tea drinks instead.

Drinking water is also associated with the removal of toxic substances and wastes, as their accumulation in the body causes fatigue. Metabolism also increases as the amount of water increases.

2. Keep track of your diet, but also your feelings

treatment of chronic fatigue and notes

Treating chronic fatigue also includes keeping track of everything you put in your mouth, both food and drink. In addition, you should keep a note of what kind of mood you are in at different stages of the day.

Keeping such a notebook has several benefits in combating fatigue:

  • When you are able to observe what you have eaten and how you feel afterwards, you know what you should continue to eat and what to avoid. For example, sugar may give a lot of energy momentarily, but soon the sugar spike will ease and fatigue will get worse. For example, agave syrup is a good substitute for sugar because it provides energy without causing chronic fatigue.
  • You will be able to better understand which foods make you feel mentally good or bad.  Have you ever heard that chocolate, for example, helps the body release endorphins and thus makes you feel happier? There are, in fact, many other foods that can affect your mind strongly, and it is necessary to find out how they affect your very own body.

For example, when you record your food and drink habits and thus your physical and mental well-being, you may find that your chronic fatigue is a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome.

3. Do not omit any food groups without medical supervision

It is clear that the treatment of chronic fatigue does not go hand in hand, and dietary changes should not be rushed blind. It’s a good idea to evaluate the food you eat as well as your notes about your feelings with an expert.


After that, it is still necessary to work with an expert to create a diet plan that will allow you to experiment with whether a particular food is the cause of your chronic fatigue. This will prevent nutrient deficiencies.

4. Try different foods

spicy foods

You may want to try foods that you don’t normally consume – however, make sure it’s known for energy-boosting products. There are some combinations (with carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) that are good help in treating chronic fatigue.

The problem is that each person’s body reacts differently to different combinations, so it’s impossible to give everyone a workable guide to changing their diet. Try to try products you’ve never eaten before – it can be hard to try new flavors, but give yourself time to get used to them and keep up with new products. Then be sure to write everything down in a diary!

5. Enjoy food often, but in smaller portions


When you eat small portions several times a day, the feeling of energy increases when you feel tired or hungry. High doses are known to cause drowsiness or so-called “food coma”.

To avoid this, you should eat something at least every 3-4 hours.  You can mix fruit with protein and fat to make sure you get enough nutrients.

Here are some ideas for making small snacks or meals to help combat fatigue:

  • 30 g cheese, 5 walnuts and 1 apple
  • 2 slices of turkey, 10 almonds and 3 guavas
  • Roast chicken, 3 tablespoons sunflower seeds and 1 dl cranberries
  • 2.5 dl yogurt, 5 walnuts and 6 strawberries

In addition to being able to keep hunger at bay, these combinations are easy, inexpensive, and convenient to take with you. All in all, they are absolutely perfect choices for snacks!

6. Avoid products that irritate your body

junk food

At the beginning of the text, we mentioned that many people with chronic fatigue want a big cup of coffee right in the morning. But why is coffee not worth it to combat fatigue?

You should always avoid these products to successfully treat chronic fatigue:

  • Coffee. It strains your nervous system and creates energy peaks that actually worsen chronic fatigue after 2-3 hours. Instead of coffee, you should try aloe vera juice, green tea or mint tea, for example, to get a refreshing effect in a healthy way.
  • Junk food. This food is often needed when hunger can grow. Junk food raises blood glucose levels and as a result, you feel tired for a short time after eating the food. Because junk food does not nourish the human body in any way, you will become hungry again in just a couple of hours. Instead, choose fresh dishes such as fruit, salads or smoothies.

If you take this advice and change your diet in a healthier direction, you will probably find that fatigue is relieved and you feel better. You will then also be able to take better care of your daily affairs. Treating chronic fatigue requires looking to the diet!

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