How To Be A Proactive Person – 5 Tips

There are many benefits to being proactive: it promotes autonomy, stimulates independence, and strengthens self-esteem. Keep reading and you’ll learn more about it!
How to be a proactive person - 5 tips

It is not worth waiting for things to happen by themselves, but you have to work for them yourself. This is what a proactive person thinks. While it may sound more like an advertising slogan, today we are pondering what proactivity means.

Proactive behavior means taking over and dealing with a situation – so always be one step ahead of others. The opposite of proactive behavior is reactive behavior where there is only reaction and response.

Although proactivity is often associated with the work and professional environment, proactivity is a highly valued trait in all areas of life. It’s nice to work with someone who works and is looking for a solution, but we also want a friend who plans appointments without making things too awkward.

How to be a proactive person: recommendations

The idea that proactivity is or is not in the human being itself is very contrary to its true definition. A proactive person is on the move all the time and strives not to freeze in place.

However, things need to be done to achieve this. Here are some tips to keep in mind.

1. Be systematic and realistic

Proactivity goes hand in hand with systematicity. Therefore, it is important to be aware of what tasks are waiting to be done and thus put priorities in order.

When we think about our to-do list, we need to divide the tasks into subcategories and create a deadline for them. For example, there are self-dependent tasks (such as writing a report or cleaning a wardrobe), but there are also other dependent tasks. Therefore, their schedules may not coincide with our own schedules.

Systematicity also means setting realistic, clear and measurable goals so that we can set the direction and check how the goals are being achieved or how the tasks are progressing. In addition to calendars, there are various applications for this purpose today. 

A proactive person works to achieve their goals.
Systematicness contributes to proactivity. With the help of calendars and various applications, we can use time more efficiently.

2. Think flexibly, but don’t speculate

In addition to being systematic, it is important to be flexible. Sometimes situations arise that require immediate attention, resulting in being able to change plans.

In this case, you must also take into account the setbacks and be able to set realistic deadlines. However, the ability to adapt is not the same thing as speculation. If one constantly thinks with the “what if” mentality, it only causes staggering and procrastination.

So it’s best to start thinking about your own thoughts: which of them are excuses and what are the real reasons for postponing tasks.

Likewise, it is important to put a stop to thoughts that condemn and question one’s own abilities. Why should I do something that goes wrong though? Why should I do anything at all if nothing changes? The perspective of the pessimists is an obstacle to proactivity and discourages you even before you even get started.

If such a mindset is a permanent cognitive model that prevails in all aspects of life, it is advisable to discuss the matter with a professional. A proactive person is optimistic, positive, and believes there are ways to improve themselves.

3. Proactivity is based on good manners

It is not easy to be proactive if you are tired and energy levels are low. That is why it is important to take care of the overall well-being So remember to rest and spend your free time, eat in a balanced way and exercise regularly. Only in this way can you do your best.

4. Focus on what you have

A proactive person reflects on his or her own resources and what he or she can do within them. He doesn’t worry about what he’s missing or what he can’t do. Rather, these are excuses to justify inaction.

A person with a proactive mind is honest with himself. He recognizes when he is going in the right direction and when he is not. He is able to look at himself and understand what he needs to change. A proactive person accepts recommendations and accepts constructive criticism.

5. Make time and space to focus

Proactivity means being able to focus on doing, so it’s important to find an environment where you can focus on the task completely without wasting time or interrupting the task.

The importance of proactivity in life

Proactivity is also associated with self-esteem. A reactive person tends to freeze in place, because even if he is able to respond or react, he does not take the initiative.

Proactivity also allows you to have a certain level of control over certain situations, which brings security and confidence. When tasks are planned, they are also encountered and performed with less stress, as the person already knows what he or she is facing. A reactive person often experiences stress from their tasks as he often leaves them to the last drop.

Especially in group work or group activities, proactivity goes hand in hand with participation. Proactive people are more inclined to participate and feel like they are part of a group activity.

Proactivity paves the way for autonomy and independence because the proactive person takes the reins into their own hands and does not need the approval of others to move forward. A reactive person, on the other hand, becomes dependent on instructions and other people’s initiatives.

A reactive person tends to freeze in place.
Stress due to waiting and not doing tasks is often common among people who are not proactive.

Be appropriately proactive

Like all other things in life, proactivity is positive as long as it is balanced and does not go to extremes. While it is usually associated with satisfaction and productivity, it is also the case that when the burden is poorly distributed, even a very systematic and proactive person can become stressed and come to an end.

A proactive person can be overwhelmed with tasks because he or she is always the one who takes the lead in every project. In such a situation, this feature can turn against itself.

It is also important to identify the different nuances of proactivity. Proactivity does not mean that one should be proactive in all aspects of life. Some things can be more difficult for yourself than others.

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