Natural Juices For The Treatment And Prevention Of Anemia

Natural juices for the treatment and prevention of anemia

Anemia is caused by a lack of iron in the body. Women often suffer from this condition, especially during heavy menstruation or due to poor nutrition. In this article, we present a few natural juices that can be used to treat and prevent anemia.

Iron is a vital building block for the body to synthesize red blood cells as well as hemoglobin. They, in turn, carry oxygen from the lungs to all the cells in the body, which is essential for the body to function. Anemia causes many familiar symptoms, such as fatigue, weakness of hair and nails, pallor, and palpitations.

Here are a few healthy and all-natural juices that can be used to treat and prevent anemia. Let’s see!

Beetroot and carrot juice

Beetroot is rich in iron, which is why it is worth using to treat and prevent anemia.

Beetroot is rich in iron, which can be used to prevent and treat anemia. Carrots and yeast, on the other hand, help to absorb iron into the body.


  • One beet
  • One carrot
  • Two tablespoons of brewer’s yeast
  • A glass of water


Start by washing and chopping the beets and carrots. Put them in a blender with water and mix. Once the ingredients are mixed, add the yeast. Enjoy before breakfast.

Parsley juice

The iron in parsley helps fight anemia.

The taste may be a little strong, but we assure you that this is an excellent treatment for anemia. Parsley is rich in iron and when combined with lemon, it is also absorbed by the body. Drink this before the main course of the day.


  • A handful of parsley
  • One lemon
  • A glass of water


Always start by washing the ingredients well.  Then chop the parsley and place it in a blender with water. Whisk them in a blender and squeeze in the lemon juice. The taste is indeed a little strong, but think of it as a necessary medicine to treat anemia. Remember that the iron in parsley is better absorbed by the body when a lemon is included.

Spinach-beet-berry juice

Drink spinach-beetroot juice before dinner.

This is a very nutritious juice with a tremendous amount of iron. Included are spinach and beets, vegetables that contain this vital mineral, iron, and berries. This is a tasty juice that can be drunk before dinner. It’s a great addition to your daily diet and it’s also a great way to treat anemia.


  • Five handfuls of berries
  • Three small radishes
  • One beet
  • Two handfuls of spinach
  • A glass of water
  • Half a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast


Wash the ingredients well. Then add the berries, spinach and chopped radishes and beets to the blender. Add water and puree to a smooth mixture. The liquid turns beet-colored. When everything is mixed into a smooth liquid, throw in the yeast in small pieces. This increases the amount of iron.

Enjoy slowly. These juices should always be drunk fresh to take advantage of all the nutrients they provide as well as the iron that is important in the treatment of anemia.

Be sure to add your favorite juice to your daily diet.

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