5 Reasons Why Quitting Smoking Improves Appearance

Quitting smoking is one of the most important health things you can do, as tobacco smoke damages almost every part of your body in some way and exposes you to e.g. cancer. Quitting smoking also saves money and greatly improves your appearance – when you quit smoking, you realize its benefits internally and externally.
5 Reasons Why Quitting Smoking Improves Appearance

Quitting smoking is difficult. But what motivates you to quit is the knowledge that you will significantly improve your health and prevent the risk of serious illness, such as:

  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Paralysis
  • Cataract

In addition to this, lung function improves: oxygen uptake increases, you cough less and you breathe more freely during exercise. Blood pressure drops, your skin looks healthier and more youthful, and the yellowish tone of your teeth and nails disappears. 

Quitting smoking will improve both your health and your physical appearance, while protecting your loved ones from the harmful effects of tobacco smoke. Below you will find five great reasons to quit smoking from an aesthetic perspective.

1. Quitting smoking prevents premature aging of the skin

quitting smoking prevents premature aging of the skin

Aging cannot be prevented, and this inherent process is a part of life. If you want to stay youthful and healthy, smoking is a major barrier to this.

Smoking narrows blood vessels, especially in the outer layers of the skin, preventing blood from circulating properly. The skin does not get enough oxygen and important nutrients, causing the skin to turn gray and dry. Fine lines and wrinkles also develop more sensitively. In addition to this, the harmful chemicals contained in tobacco smoke lead to a loss of collagen and as a result, the skin loosens and begins to hang more sensitively.

If you don’t quit smoking, it will lead to premature wrinkles.

2. Dental health and beauty

A beautiful, fresh smile is one of the best ways to look prosperous and happy. Smiles play a big part in our daily actions and interactions with other people. Good oral hygiene is very important and includes daily cleaning of teeth, dental visits and avoiding tobacco. Even if you take good care of your teeth, smoking can destroy them.

The tar and nicotine in tobacco lead to yellowing of the teeth. Why not try replacing tobacco with nicotine replacement therapies? That way, you can get rid of nicotine a little quietly completely. This prevents the teeth from getting worse yellowing and prevents other side effects of tobacco in the body.

3. Hair health

quitting smoking helps with hair loss

If the first two reasons aren’t enough to convince you of the harms of smoking, you may have to turn around when you hear that smoking brittle your hair and makes it thinner.

In people who smoke for a long time, the chemicals and toxins in tobacco smoke eventually damage the DNA in the hair follicles, leading to thinning and brittleness of the hair. The hair does not grow as thick as before and it breaks easily. This is true for both men and women – women are not immune to thinning and thinning hair.

4. Skin health

quitting smoking improves skin health

As we mentioned earlier, smoking accelerates the premature aging of the skin and leads to the accelerated development of wrinkles and fine lines. Smoking also has other effects on skin health, and No matter how young or old, smoking causes harm to the skin and leads to a deterioration in its health.

When you smoke, it is easier for the skin to develop dark patches of pigment. People who smoke often also have dark under-eyes that make the overall look look tired and wilted.

When you quit smoking, your skin gets more blood and comes with oxygen and nutrients. The waste products accumulated in the pores are removed and the skin begins to look more ball and cleaner. At the same time, dark under-eye circles disappear.

5. Skin healing is compromised

smoking wound slow healing

When you smoke, your red blood cells do not get enough oxygen. When the size of the blood vessels shrinks, oxygen cannot travel as efficiently to the tissues of the body. This causes smokers to find it difficult for the body to recover on its own and to slow down the natural healing process.

If you are considering surgery for either aesthetic or health reasons, healing can be especially slow and laborious if you smoke. This is why your doctor will often tell you to stop smoking before having surgery.

Quitting smoking is not easy, but there are now a variety of preparations and support available to get rid of tobacco. Talk to your doctor about quitting smoking and ask him or her for advice on quitting: for example, your doctor may prescribe a medicine designed to help you quit smoking, which suppresses nicotine cravings.

Also ask for support from your loved ones: tell them you are trying to quit and ask them to avoid smoking in your company. Stop together with a friend or spouse so you can support each other when nicotine cravings strike. Avoid situations where tobacco cravings strike, such as bars and evening parties, and replace the need to burn with chewing gum, for example. Withdrawal symptoms usually last only a few weeks, after which the feeling becomes much easier.

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