How To Take Care Of The Environment At Home? 10 Tips

Are you worried about saving our planet? You can make some changes to your habits at home to take care of the environment. Read more below.
How to take care of the environment at home?  10 tips

“Green” has recently become a very healthy trend and more and more people are concerned about the environment. And for good reason! If we humans don’t care about our planet, who does? It’s not hard to take care of the environment at home: you just have to make changes to some of your habits to reduce consumption, recycle and reuse materials.

Today we are sharing some easy tips to help you take care of the environment at home. It doesn’t require any miracles – you just have to be aware of your own actions.

How to take care of the environment at home? 10 tips

1. Don’t waste water

Saving water is one way to take care of the environment

Clean fresh water is a scarce natural resource worldwide and needs to be taken care of! Saving water has many environmental benefits. You can do this with a few simple steps:

  • Take showers for up to 10 minutes  instead of a bath.
  • Recycle rainwater. For example, you can collect rainwater in buckets and then use that water in your garden.
  • Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth and washing the dishes.
  • It is even better if you remove food debris from the dishes and then clean them with a wet kitchen sponge and a drop of dishwashing detergent. Another option is to fill the sink with water and wash the dishes directly there. Either way, you use less water than if the faucet is open all the time.
  • Repair leaks in  Hanoi and toilets.
  • Buy A or A + class dishwashers and washing machines.

2. Turn off unnecessary lights

It is important to  be aware of energy costs. By this we do not only mean money, but also the pollution it causes. We therefore recommend that you turn off the lights when leaving the room.

Another commonly used option is to replace standard incandescent bulbs with energy saving bulbs. This saves you money while taking care of the environment.

3. Choose local seasonal dishes

You can take care of the environment by choosing local seasonal dishes

Buying local seasonal dishes helps take care of the environment. Namely, locally produced food has not traveled long distances in large polluting trucks.

In addition, favoring local fruits and vegetables is a way to eat healthier and cheaper. At the same time, you help companies in your area.

4. Sorting waste is a way to take care of the environment

Recycling is one of the best ways to take care of the environment. In the name of honesty, it doesn’t even require very much time or effort. It is a good idea to recycle the whole family together so that the children learn about it and do their part.

You can buy special recycling bins or sort garbage into bags and boxes. It is important to sort recyclable waste so that everything can be reused.

5. Make your own compost

Making your own compost is a way to take care of the environment

Are there plants in your home or on your balcony? Would you like to make your own compost to fertilize them? Composting is not difficult; you just need patience and a place to compost.

We will now briefly explain how to make your own compost in a small space:


  • A large container that is half filled with soil
  • Additional mold
  • A piece of cardboard the size of a container
  • Food scraps

Here’s how to compost:

  1. Put the dish on the balcony.
  2. Add leftovers, such as vegetable or fruit peels, iceberg lettuce, apple sauce, and more. Avoid putting meat or dairy products.
  3. Cover the food scraps with a small amount of mold and a piece of cardboard.
  4. Stir with a garden shovel every 3-4 days.
  5. Add water a few times a week without looking too wet.
  6. Wait and see how your leftovers turn into quality compost. You can now use it to  fertilize your plants.

6. Build a city garden

Self-sufficiency is good for the planet. Have you ever thought about growing your own vegetables at home? This would not only save you money, but you would also not have to buy food that has been transported by truck from one side of the country (or by plane from another country or continent).

This may not seem like a significant thing, but if everyone had their own small home garden, it would have a big impact on the environment. In addition, fruits and vegetables taste much better fresh from your own garden!

7. Controlling your home temperature is a way to take care of the environment

The environment can be taken care of by adjusting the temperature of the home to the right kind

Don’t keep your home temperature terribly hot in the winter or very cold in the summer. Pay attention to the amount of energy you use, as we already mentioned. Both the planet and your purse are thankful.

8. Select reusable products

Avoid buying disposable items. Why use paper towels if you can wash and reuse cloths? Be aware that every paper towel you use comes from felled wood.

The same goes for plastic containers as well as other disposable items such as paper products at children’s birthday parties. Using too much paper is not good for the environment.

9. Reuse and recycle

New uses for glass jars at home can be invented

Are there empty glass jars hanging in your home that you can’t think of any use for? You can make them small lights. Have you collected a lot of cans? You can do business with your children and use the cans as pencil holders.

There are endless options for reusing old goods. Just find out about the different options!

10. How to care for the environment: be a conscious consumer

Choose organic and environmentally friendly products. For example, did you know that  there are environmentally friendly cleaning products?

Instead of toxic chemicals, choose vinegar and other biodegradable products. You can even make your own detergents at home from natural ingredients.

Taking care of the environment is the responsibility of each of us, and there are no excuses for watering this duty. Make changes to your habits, pay attention to your daily activities and start following the green lifestyle!

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