Actions Say More Than Words

Words can communicate in many ways, but what really proves something is action. So let your actions be what tells you, and apply this mindset to other people as well.
Deeds say more than words

If someone cares about you or really appreciates you, they will show it by being present with a simple phone call, message, or some other act that surprises you. Despite this, people continue to give their time and attention to people who are not worthy of them. Wouldn’t it be time to lose sight of the bond that prevents you from seeing what’s really going on in your relationships? Keep reading and we’ll explain it in more detail – how do deeds say more than words?

Deeds say more than words

Stop talking and instead show what you feel about the other

Words mean nothing if the acts indicate otherwise.

Words can easily seem to take off with the wind. In practice, however, we very easily ignore this fact.

When you say “I love you,” “I need you,” or “I like you,” this doesn’t require very much effort. Where, instead, are the deeds that are consistent with these words?

If you want to find out if you really mean a lot to another person, sometimes it’s enough to do a simple experiment. Cover your ears and look.

Look at everything that’s happened in the relationship so far and what you’ve seen, as if in a silent film. What do you see now? It is likely that the things you see will amaze you as well as bring out the truth about a situation that you would otherwise have been blind to.

This is because you have given a great deal of value to another person’s words that have never been seen in action, however,  and this has caused  you to suffer for no reason.

You believe in all the excuses that others say when they don’t show their love in practice. You justify their absence because you want to be sympathetic to them.

This can cause your self-esteem to drop, and thus it can hurt you. And who will help you then? All you have to do to get an answer is look in the mirror. Namely, there is only one person who has always been present and who has always told the truth during so many lies.

Consent to blindness

In relationships, you don’t always want to see the truth.

This is certainly not the only time you have realized how blind you have become in some particular relationship. However, every time you return to this same point, it allows you to see exactly what you want.

When you’re looking for a different kind of situation, you’ll end up in a pit where you get hurt, but this is why you’ve let it happen. You should have already learned how to open your eyes from the beginning and how to see if a person is really by your side – is what he says also how he does.

Let’s then look at a simple example, even though the next situation is far from easy.

Now imagine two people who fall in love and one of whom is married. This situation is not one for which there is an easy solution. The married party gives the other hope that he or she will obtain a divorce so that the two lovers can be together.

But then what happens? The months roll by, maybe even a year, but the situation remains the same. The party who does not have another relationship continues to believe the words of the married person, even if the actions of the other speak other than his or her speech.

While this is a painful situation, it is important to remember what we said earlier. In a similar situation, cover your ears and open your eyes, and you can  finally see clearly what is really going on.

This is not about finding the guilty party, but about getting out of a situation where a false hope is given that prevents the other from being free and loving their own life.

Show me you care

Only deeds can show real emotions.

Show me by your actions how much you value me, how much you care about me and how much you love me. Don’t let me down anymore with empty words that are not the same as what you do.

When you trust another’s empty words, you believe and allow yourself to get excited about hoping for a different reality that will never be a practice.

Don’t fall into the same pit you’ve sunk in before. Open your eyes once and for all, and don’t choose an easy option, believing in that treasure that consists of expectations and dreams that will never come true.

Let the situation be a learning experience for you and others. Show others that your forgiveness is sincere, and always be consistent in your words and actions. Words exist in a vacuum, but what really matters are your actions – so remember that actions say more than any words.

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