Addiction In Relation To Harm

Emotional dependence can become a really big problem. When your life revolves around another person, you no longer have room for yourself. Then you should start thinking about freeing yourself from the shackles of the relationship.
Addiction in relation to harm

Being dependent on another person in a relationship is the kind of love that really hurts. But doesn’t this sound a little ironic? Something as awesome as love can turn hurtful. In this article, we’ll talk about how addiction in a relationship can hurt.

This happens when you attach yourself to another person in a way that is not healthy. Keep in mind that you may not be aware that another person can never really belong to you. Children are sometimes taught to consider another person as property.  As a result, you may then think that you belong to your partner yourself and that reciprocally he belongs to you. However, this mindset should be changed as it is not healthy at all.

Addiction in a relationship – when love hurts

Every couple and every relationship with two people has times when conflicts are experienced. This is quite natural, and it is part of people growing up together.

The girl hangs hearts to dry in an addictive relationship

However, when your partner starts to be the center of your whole world, it’s about an addiction that prevents you from living a normal life. That’s when you know you have an actual problem.

In a relationship, people make a decision about sharing their lives, love, and lasting respect. It should be understood that living together does not automatically mean that you are dependent on your partner. The state of the other should always be respected, and if the relationship doesn’t become anything after a while, that’s just OK.

So you can’t be dependent on anyone but yourself. If you still put yourself in the hands of others this way, you’re kind of committing suicide. Therefore, it is important that you keep in mind the following characteristics of people who are dependent on other people:

  • Their self-esteem depends on what their partner tells them or doesn’t tell them.
  • They take on responsibilities that go far beyond what is normal to meet a partner’s needs.
  • They have no boundaries between themselves and their partner.
  • They never speak out against their partner because they fear being rejected.
  • When one relationship ends, they immediately jump to another.
Heart and addiction relationship

If you’ve ever been in a relationship with someone who has these traits, you’ve probably experienced or been close to experiencing an emotional level of addiction in your relationship.

Loosen the ties that restrict you

When you hold on to a piece of string so that it can’t get out of your hands, and then after letting the string finally go, you feel uncomfortable, kind of experiencing the same pain as in an emotionally addictive relationship.

Namely, the same thing happens in your head if you are dependent on another person. You have tied yourself to another so that you don’t actually get any benefits from it. However, it is not easy to let go of this “string,” as sometimes a person can be a little masochistic and prefer to cling to the hard pain that holds him or her.

If you don’t know if you should let go of a person, or if you know you should, but you don’t feel capable of it, now is the right time. Do it definitively and do it properly.

The girl blows a flower in an addiction relationship

The feeling of liberation you experience will be incredible – you will get insane inner peace. Now you can see that your fears, insecurities, and low self-esteem are gone, for you have changed the situation where another person was fully responsible for your respect.

But does this still make a person happy? Liberation is awesome, but first you may not feel happy because you will be hurt. However, you cannot allow yourself to continue from day to day because you will “die” in the care of another. You have to fight for free. Only you are the one who holds on to your pain – no one else is forcing you to feel this pain.

Yes, of course it’s hard to take this step, so if you don’t feel capable of it, get help. Without help, you may not have the courage to face it alone.

Dependence in a relationship and detachment from it

So what got you into this addiction originally?  Have you had anything in your past that made you fearful of losing loved ones? Is love overwhelming you?

Sometimes love can be like a drug. It is normal to think about a partner and want to be with him all the time. The different thing, however, is the emotional dependence on the relationship, which is harmful and humiliating because you can’t be yourself.

Woman flying with flowers

And then what happens when you leave a relationship? Maybe first you are looking for a replacement for yourself. However, this is a problem because you will not be able to be alone then. So you have to get your “drug,” even if you have to crawl in front of another to get it.

Instead, get help, talk about your things, and open your eyes to reality. It hurts, of course, and you’re going to suffer (but haven’t you suffered in the first place?), And you don’t feel like yourself. However, learn to be alone, and reconcile with your loneliness. You don’t have to feel insecure and lonely in this world because  you are your own best companion.

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