Avoid Unhealthy Breakfast: 6 Harmful Foods

In recent years, the great importance of breakfast has finally begun to be taken seriously. In this article, we will tell you what the first meal of the day should be like, and especially what it should not be like.
Avoid unhealthy breakfast: 6 harmful foods

Breakfast is not just a source of energy that can be used to do all the necessary daily activities. The nutrients derived from it activate the human metabolism and act as key factors in many other processes in the body. For these reasons, it is important that breakfast is not unhealthy but rich in nutrients.

While many of us have sometimes believed that skipping breakfast is a good way to prevent pounds from accumulating, by now everyone knows that is not true. In fact, skipping breakfast can cause the exact opposite reaction, i.e. skipping breakfast may increase weight.

The problem is that even though many eat breakfast every day, it is often unhealthy. The consequences can be undesirable, such as hunger again over a short period of time, obesity and nutrient deficiencies.

Keep reading and think about whether your own breakfast includes the following dishes. If so, replace them with healthier ones as soon as possible!

Unhealthy breakfast: avoid these foods

1. Pastries and other industrial bakery products

White bread is an unhealthy breakfast.

Pastries are high in carbohydrates, saturated fats and sugars, which can be very difficult to handle for the stomach and make you feel pregnant.

This effect, along with the so-called “empty calories” they bring, is already a sufficient reason why such products should always be avoided at breakfast.

But then what are empty calories? They come from foods that get little nutrients, but only high in calories.

A few pieces of advice

  • If possible, make the bread yourself. Or at least choose fresh, whole-grain bread at the store.
  • This will help you avoid industrial additives and get more fiber, vitamins and minerals.

2. Industrial meats

Industrial meats and sausages.

All kinds of industrially processed meats, including those advertised as “light”, are harmful to human health. They should not be enjoyed at all.

While they may look delicious and fresh, and are perfect for a quick breakfast on top of a sandwich, for example, they are high in sodium and saturated fats. Over time, this can cause problems with body weight, as well as an increase in cholesterol and blood pressure.

In addition, they are very difficult to handle in digestion and can cause bloating, flatulence and acid reflux.

What should you enjoy instead?

  • Choose light, unprocessed meat and eggs so you can get healthy protein at breakfast.

3. Sugar cereals

Unhealthy breakfast: colorful cereals.

The food industry has led many consumers to believe that cereals are a great breakfast choice. Few cereals are really healthy and high in fiber, as most of the time they are high in sugar and have little benefit for the body’s function.

Sugar cereals belong to the said group of “empty calories” and, as mentioned, these products do not contain enough essential nutrients.

What should you enjoy instead?

  • For breakfast, enjoy oats or whole grain, sugar-free cereals instead .

4. Fruit juices made from concentrate

Despite the push for advertising, these products are not worth drinking! Juices made from concentrates can never provide the body with everything that juice squeezed directly from the fruit brings.

While it may seem fresh and delicious to enjoy these juices at breakfast, these juices “full of vitamins” are often full of sugars and industrial substances that are not good for the body at all.

A few pieces of advice

  • You can make your own natural juice from fresh fruits and vegetables. And even better, enjoy the fruit itself!

5. Flavored yogurts

Flavored yoghurts.

Flavored yogurt, even if it is a “light version,” contains additives that affect the nutrient content of the product, in which case yogurt is not as good for the body as natural, unflavoured, and unsweetened yogurt.

Yogurt is often given to children at breakfast, and while it may seem quite healthy, these commercial products are not very nutritious and can also cause stomach acidity.

Disadvantages of flavored yogurt in the body include the following:

  • It causes more mucus production.
  • It is full of sugars and additives.
  • It can also cause bloating.

What should you enjoy instead?

  • Use natural yogurt that is high in probiotics and has no artificial colors or added sugar at all. You can make this yourself, but it is available in several stores.

6. Jams and marmalades

No jam for breakfast.

A small amount of homemade jam is no problem with breakfast, so it can be enjoyed with the first meal of the day. However, many enjoy too much jam, and in addition, unhealthy jams from supermarkets are most often chosen.

Although they usually contain fruit, they contain a lot of sugar and industrial additives that reduce their nutritional value.

A few pieces of advice

  • Make your own jam – it’s easy. 
  • You can either utilize fructose or use some natural alternative product for sweetening, such as honey.
  • Keep the amount of jam reasonable and take only one tablespoon.

Do you tend to often enjoy these dishes at breakfast? Now at the latest you know they are harmful, so you should make small changes and make breakfast more nutritious. Swap out harmful products and avoid the many problems that an unhealthy breakfast brings when it comes.

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