Best Exercises For Thigh Firming

Best exercises for thigh firming

Does it feel complicated and difficult to make your thighs firmer?  However, with the right kind of exercises, you can achieve good results in a short time. Don’t hesitate, learn this amazing routine to make your thighs firmer.

Building muscle mass helps remove fat

You may not have known that the best option to burn fat is to increase muscle mass. This is because your body uses a lot of energy to lift weights.  This in turn causes the body to burn more calories.

Your body needs more energy after a workout so that the tissues that worked and stretched during the workout can recover. Since the thigh muscles are the largest muscles in the body, their training should never be stopped.

Riding a bike (stationary or not), running or using a crosstrainer in the gym is not enough. You should also do strengthening exercises to firm your legs. So instead of just burning calories, focus on building muscle mass.

workout thighs firmer

Here are a few exercises that work best to tighten your leg muscles. Start today to make your thighs firmer!

The legs and thighs become firmer with these exercises

  • One-leg step squats : This exercise works the upper part of the front of the thighs. Take a step forward with your right foot and at the same time extend your left foot backwards. Bend your knees and lower your body (at your hips) towards the floor. The idea is to touch the floor with your left foot or just stand closer to the floor. Avoid stretching your right foot over your toes. To return to the starting position, put the weight on the right heel and get up. Make three sets of twelve on each leg. Once you get the technique to work you can bring in dumbbells so the workout is a little different and you won’t get bored with it.
squat thighs firmer
  • Leg Lifting : This exercise affects the muscles of the front and back of the thighs. Stand in front of the bench or take advantage of the stairs. Raise your right leg and ascend the step or bench. Then lift your left foot and place it next to your right. Next, step down first with your right foot, then your left. Keep your back straight and your abdominal muscles tense at all times (helps achieve the six-pack). Repeat this exercise twelve times and do it again so that one foot rises to the step or bench first. Do this twice for both feet. Once you get the technique to work properly, you can increase resistance and include dumbbells in the exercise.
  • Squat: Add this exercise to your routine to make your thighs firmer and stronger. Take the basic position, feet slightly apart about shoulder width apart. Bend your knees and go down to the squat position just as if you were sitting in a chair. Avoid bending your knees over the toe line. Hold this position, as if pushing yourself against the floor and exhale. To keep your balance, you can fold your arms in front of you and cross them on top of each other while sitting down. The movement should be controlled and its speed depends on what you feel best. At first, it can be a little difficult, but little by little you will be able to do it faster and hold the position longer. Do as many repetitions as you can.
  • Jump rope : this exercise shapes both legs and arms. The legs should be pelvis wide apart. The elbows should be bent at a 90 degree angle and the hands turned 45 degrees outward. Do two sets of 15 jumps. Rest for 30 seconds and start again. Trying to jump faster every time.
  • Stepping : This exercise combines aerobic exercise and muscle building. You can easily do it at home to the beat of the music (buy a stepboard or build one yourself) or go to a bodystep class where it’s more fun when you share the experience with others. Stepping is a great way to strengthen and firm your muscles. Alternatively, you can take advantage of the staircase. Try to change your step routine and always remember to keep your back straight.
  • Heel Purchases : This technique is effective and you can do it easily at home. Stand with your legs slightly apart. Keep your head and back straight. Get on your toes and stay in position for as long as you can. Slowly return to the starting position, support the entire sole of the foot on the floor and rest for a few seconds before the next repetition. Make three out of ten sets. Don’t rush, but do the exercise slowly enough so it doesn’t hurt. This exercise tightens the calves, i.e. the sides and back of the legs.
  • Bridge ”: This exercise strengthens your buttocks and thighs, and you can do it at home or at the gym. It’s a great workout especially for (almost all) women who fight cellulite. Put a gym mat or blanket on the floor. Lie on the mat on your back, face up and hands on the sides. Lift your knees to the hook and bend your legs until the soles of your feet are fully supported on the ground. Then lift your hips towards the ceiling and stay in this position for as long as you can. Do your best, try to make a “straight bridge”. You can put a weight plate on your stomach (start with a lighter weight) to get more results from this exercise.

Photos – Cherry Point, UNE photos, Sascha Wenninger, Stephanie Young and Rob Lawton.

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