Children’s Hand And Finger Injuries And Their Treatment

Hand and finger injuries are especially common in children. Read more about them and their treatment in this article.
Hand and finger injuries in children and their treatment

From birth, we are curious to explore our environment. Kids touch everything and put things in their mouths as they test their touch sensitivity. For this reason, hand and finger injuries are common in children.

A map has been made of the sensory and motor parts of the cortex, first described by Dr. Penfield, a neurosurgeon who became known for his work in the mid-20th century on various areas of the brain. From the picture you can see how the lips and palms are bigger as they have a lot of sensory neurons. This is exactly the reason why children tend to touch everything and put objects in their mouths.

In addition, as children grow up and begin to walk, their balance system develops. When they fall, they put their palms on the floor as a reflex to protect their heads.

Accidental hand and finger injuries in children

Hand and finger injuries are quite common in children. Unfortunately, homes are full of dangers for children. Electric shocks and finger wounds are the most common accidents at home. It is therefore very important to know what the most common hand and finger injuries are in children and how they can be treated.

The most common hand and finger injuries

Here are some of the most common causes of such injuries:

  • Cut wounds: Children’s skin is very thin, so cut wounds easily form when children touch the edges of the can, hit small crystals on the floor, etc.
  • Bruising injuries: These occur as a result of falls and falls. They are usually associated with bleeding and bruising. If a child falls badly, his wrist or fingers may break.
  • Puncture wounds: These are the most difficult to treat because the wounds are deeper when an object pierces the skin. Such wounds also increase the risk of infection. Make sure that no foreign objects remain on the skin and clean the wound well.
  • Rubbing bruises: These are scratches that occur when the skin rubs against the ground, such as when it falls over. These scratches usually occur most on the knees, but they can also occur on the palms (when a child falls off the back of a bike or falls in the school yard).

Treatment of hand and finger injuries

For all wounds, certain guidelines must be followed to avoid infection.

1. First of all, make sure that there are no foreign objects left on the skin and clean the wound.
3. The skin is full of small capillaries. Even if the wound is very superficial, it can still bleed profusely. Pressing cold water or ice on the site of injury (preferably inside the gauze so that the ice does not come into direct contact with the skin) narrows the blood vessels. Cold also helps reduce swelling.
3.  Then disinfect the wound. Commercially available solutions such as povidone iodine or chlorhexidine are very effective. They are usually also available as sprays.
4. If the injury has not healed at all or is a dirty or deep wound,  we recommend that you take your child to a doctor  and check the validity of the vaccines. Stitches may be needed to avoid complications and promote healing.

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