Dry Eye: Natural Remedies

To avoid complications associated with dry eye, it is very important to let the eyes rest after using electronic devices, blink frequently, and do eye exercises.
Dry eye: natural remedies

Dry eye, also known as keratoconjunctivitis, is a disorder that develops when the eyes do not produce enough tear fluid to keep the surface of the eyes moist. This causes an inflammatory reaction in the sensitive tissues of the eyes and in addition causes discomfort such as itching, redness and tenderness. When not treated properly, it can cause damage to the corneas and conjunctiva. The ailment is more common in older people, but it can also occur in younger people if they are exposed to contaminated environments or injuries.

The good news is that these symptoms can be controlled by natural means. For example, some ingredients moisturize the eye area without causing irritation or harmful side effects.

Below we discuss in more detail the development of this ailment and how you can prepare treatments to alleviate that syndrome.

What causes dry eye?

There is no single specific cause of this eye problem, although a large proportion of cases are related to hormonal changes. In general, dry eye is caused by the following factors:

  • Aging, as tear secretion decreases with age
  • Decreased estrogen levels
  • Use of contact lenses
  • Eye surgeries
  • Prolonged sun exposure
  • Use of flu medications
  • Air-conditioned environments
  • Tobacco smoking
  • Chronic diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and diabetes

How does dry eye manifest?

dry eye causes redness

The symptoms of dry eye vary from person to person and almost always depend on the factors that have caused it.

Its most common symptoms are:

  • Dry eyes
  • Feeling of sand in the eyes
  • Discomfort when fluttering
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Itchy eyes
  • Increased photosensitivity
  • Blurred vision
  • Headache

Natural treatments for dry eyes

To control the symptoms of this ailment, eye drops are usually prescribed, which may, however, contain preservatives. They are used two or four times a day, depending on the severity of the problem.

It is also worth noting that some natural treatments can also be used to curb dry eyes.

Chamomile baths

tea bags with eyes

Chamomile baths are an anti-inflammatory treatment that reduces redness and itching caused by dry eye.


  • 2 tablespoons chamomile
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)


  • Add the chamomile to a cup of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes.


  • Once the liquid has cooled to a suitable temperature, apply it over the eyes with two swabs or a clean cloth.
  • Leave the treatment on for 10 minutes and repeat twice a day if necessary.

Bath of black tea

Black tea is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances that help protect the outer areas of the eyes when the eyes do not produce enough tear fluid.


  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons black tea


  • Boil a cup of water, and when it reaches boiling point, add black tea.
  • Let the drink simmer for 20 minutes and strain it.


  • After making sure the drink has cooled to a suitable temperature, dip a couple of cotton swabs in it and apply it to the eyes.
  • Leave on for 10 minutes and repeat the treatment every day.
  • If you wish, you can put the drink in the refrigerator and use it cold.

Cucumber slices

slices of throat with eyes

Classical sore throat treatment is still a popular natural solution for excessive dryness of the eyes, which affects vision.


  • 4 slices of cucumber


  • Put the cucumber slices in the freezer and let them cool there for two hours.


  • When the throat slices are very cold, place them on the eyes for at least 10 minutes.
  • We recommend cutting four slices of cucumber, as this will allow you to replace the slices with new ones as they begin to warm up.

Other considerations…

  • Remember that in addition to using natural treatments, it is important to rest your eyes, especially after spending a lot of time in front of electronic devices.
  • Increase water intake to avoid dehydration due to dehydration.
  • Flick and do eye exercises.
  • Eat foods that have antioxidants and Omega-3.

Do your eyes feel dry and irritated? If these symptoms occur repeatedly, see a doctor to rule out any major problems.

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