Frequently Asked Questions About Arthritis

Arthritis is related to physical activity level, lifestyle, occupation and hereditary factors. It comes in many different types and shapes, for both men and women. Today we answer the most common questions about arthritis.
The most common questions about arthritis

Do you know what arthritis is and what causes it? If you don’t, don’t worry – in this article we’ll go through the most common questions about arthritis.

Arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints, although many misuse the term. Although rheumatoid arthritis is the most common form of arthritis, it is not synonymous with arthritis itself and these terms cannot be used in place of each other. This is one such thing that people often do not know about arthritis.

There are actually several different forms of arthritis; they are estimated to be closer to a hundred different. In addition, many diseases are associated with this inflammation of the joints, which also includes pain and stiffness.

Because arthritis is such a multifaceted and multifaceted disease, it is difficult to know exactly how many people it will affect. However, statistics show that one in six people suffers from this ailment. 

In this article, we try to solve the most common questions about arthritis.

The most common questions about arthritis

1. Who suffers from it?

The truth is that  arthritis affects people of all ages. As we have already mentioned, the term simply refers to inflammation of the joints. Each of its forms has its own characteristics and each of them affects certain people more often than others.

Nevertheless, it seems that certain factors, such as hereditary factors, the environment, and general lifestyles, are related to its origin. For example, almost every form of arthritis becomes more common with age.

Lifestyles and levels of physical activity also have a significant impact on its birth. Obesity or mere overweight can put too much strain on the joints in the lower limbs of the body, such as the knees. Weight can be one of the triggers for arthritis.

However, this does not mean that athletes are completely protected from it. Sometimes the opposite happens. Professional athletes are also prone to suffering from arthritis due to strain on the joints.

In addition, gender is closely related to the type of arthritis a person may develop. Nearly 60% of people with arthritis are women. However, certain types of arthritis, such as gout, are more common in men.

Arthritis causes joint pain
Arthritis is more common in women than men.

2. What factors cause it?

There are reasons for certain types of arthritis. It is known, for example, that some infections can cause this trouble to break out. These infections include tuberculosis, gonorrhea and Lyme disease.

The same goes for gout, which is the result of excessive uric acid accumulating in the joints. At the same time, it is important to note that the profession can also be a trigger, as staying in the same position for hours, for example , can lead to arthritis over the years.

3. What are its most typical symptoms?

Arthritis usually manifests as pain and difficulty moving the inflamed joint (s). Sometimes it is also associated with stiffness and swelling of the area. Arthritis can affect only one joint or several joints at a time. In addition, it may be symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Each form has its own characteristics, and the duration of symptoms varies. For example, rheumatoid arthritis is a symmetrical form of arthritis that affects small joints, such as the fingers. Gout, on the other hand, is a form of arthritis that usually affects only one joint.

Gout usually affects men's feet in particular
Gout is a form of arthritis that usually affects the feet of men in particular.

Can it be treated?

There is no cure for most arthritis. For some, there is treatment, such as those associated with infection, as treating the infection will stop the arthritis. If arthritis cannot be completely cured, its symptoms can be relieved with certain treatments.

For example, patients can use NSAIDs to reduce swelling and relieve pain. They are almost always the first step in treatment. It is important to know that all treatments can be identified and tailored based on the type of arthritis involved.

If you have joint symptoms and believe it is due to inflammation of the joints, see a doctor. It is a good idea to find out the cause of the trouble and draw up a treatment plan tailored to your own needs. You can also ask your doctor other questions about this common but often misunderstood ailment.

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