How To Make Me Feel Sad

Grief can affect different parts of our lives. In this article, we’ll talk about how to improve when you’re feeling a little too heavy.
How to improve feeling sad

We often don’t know why we feel sad or how the mood could get better. Grief is one of people’s most common feelings and can be caused by a variety of reasons. In this article, we will tell you how to improve your sadness.

How to improve feeling sad

Of course, the mood can’t rise in seconds, but at least we can do everything we can to improve our state of mind. If you feel sad, the following means may be helpful.

1. Let it out

Grief must be let out

Crying or other expressions of emotion are often seen as negative in our society, but that’s what most of us need to be able to do better.

If you don’t want to talk to anyone, write down your thoughts, fears, and worries in a notebook. Sometimes this can help clarify emotions and find a solution.

It doesn’t matter how confusing the text is or if you jump from one topic to another. Just let your emotions flow. The idea is to let everyone out of the booklet.

2. Let your mind rest

When we’re sad, we often don’t want to do things that require too much concentration or effort. This makes it difficult for us to get fit, take care of things, or be effective at work. One good way to feel better is to do something nice without thinking anything in particular.

For example, you can watch an episode of your favorite series or a good comedy movie. Another option is to sit comfortably in an armchair and read a good book while sipping tea or coffee. You can also watch funny and entertaining videos online and not think about anything unpleasant.

3. Naura

Laughter makes you feel sad

Laugh suddenly, even if you have to force it. Laughter improves mood as it releases endorphins. Laugh in front of the mirror. First smile broadly and then laugh as much as you can.

And if that doesn’t work, remember some fun video or movie. You can even ask a friend to tell jokes. Which just makes you laugh!

4. Use your dog outdoors

This will be of great benefit to both you and your dog. Tired, we often don’t want to leave home, but the dog owner is required to do certain responsibilities, such as using the dog outdoors. This is a good way to get some fresh air at the same time.

Your lungs get oxygen and you get exercise without being noticed. You will be able to clear your mind and and you will have to pay attention to the things around you: watch out for cars when crossing the road, look for a bench in the park, collect your dog’s droppings, etc.

5. Focus on good things

Focusing on good things makes you feel better

Grief is usually caused by something negative that then spreads and begins to affect different parts of our lives. Don’t give sadness this opportunity! When we are sad, everything looks gloomy as if there were a dark cloud on our heads. How can this feeling be reversed?

One good way is to think nice things. There are dozens of situations, people, or objects everywhere that can make you feel lucky and grateful. Think of all the good memories, past trips, friends and loved ones, personal accomplishments, good food you enjoy every day, etc.

Try to find something good every day. It can be something quite small, like getting a place on the subway on the way home, or something big, like meeting the love of your life.

6. Order

For your mind to work clearly, you need order around you. If your bedroom, living room, or office is full of rubbish, it’s hard to feel good. In addition, cleaning helps get thoughts elsewhere, as you have to think about where to put any stuff, what needs to be thrown away, what needs to be repaired or cleaned, etc.

7. Dance and Sing

Dancing makes you feel sad

Just as you get better with a forced smile, your whole body changes completely if you listen to rhythmic music. Especially if you start moving to the beat of the music! Turn on the radio or online video as you do your chores. There is nothing more fun than cleaning your home while listening to good music.

If even this doesn’t work, you can try singing in front of a mirror. Use a hairbrush, water bottle or pen as a microphone. This is fun, and the grief will certainly give way.

8. Eat fruit

Or a small piece of chocolate. Food can make you feel sad. But with food choices, you should be careful. While the sad usually makes the mind something greasy or sugary, prefer something healthy: fruit, a handful of nuts, or a jam sandwich. These foods cause the brain to release serotonin, a happiness hormone.

Try these ways to make you feel sad!

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