Signs Of Pancreatitis

A clear sign of pancreatitis is acute pain immediately after eating when the digestive process is in its infancy, or when the spine is striking.
Signs of pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas is a common ailment today. Pancreatitis is a serious illness that is treated in a hospital. It affects 4,000 to 5,000 people a year in Finland. Of the ten pancreatitis, seven are caused by heavy alcohol consumption and two by gallstones, but there is not always a clear cause for pancreatitis and it can come from many different causes. In this article, we focus on the symptoms, causes, and treatment of pancreatitis.

1. Why does the pancreas become inflamed?

the doctor holds a plastic pancreas


The pancreas is the digestive gland located in the abdominal cavity and weighs less than one hundred grams. The pancreas produces the enzymes necessary for digestion. In addition, the pancreas produces insulin.  Mild pancreatitis usually resolves with a few days of fluid therapy and symptomatic medication, and even severe inflammation only needs to be resolved with those associated with a bacterial infection.

A person can live a completely normal life without the pancreas as long as he uses insulin and digestive aids. Of course, no one wants to find themselves in a situation where the pancreas needs to be removed completely, as it makes life somewhat more difficult.

Pancreatitis can be caused by these reasons:

  • Gallstones.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol abuse and poor diet.
  • Weak resistance.
  • Metabolic problems.
  • High blood triglycerides.
  • Prolonged use of certain drugs.
  • Past and existing damage to the pancreas.
  • Various diseases, such as Reye’s syndrome or Kawasaki disease, which mainly occur in young children.

2. Signs of pancreatitis

Severe pain

The pain of pancreatitis is certain, intense. It may occur suddenly or develop slowly, but the pain always gets worse so severe that it becomes difficult to manage normal daily activities. The characteristics of pain include:

  • Severe burning abdominal pain concentrated below the ribs in the upper abdominal region on the left side of the chest. From here, the pain can radiate to the rest of the abdomen and back to the belt.
  • The pain is felt most strongly when eating or immediately after eating.
  • Pain may radiate to the back and shoulders. Nausea and vomiting also occur frequently.
  • The pain is at its worst when you lie on your back, as the other internal organs weigh on the inflamed pancreas.

Nausea and vomiting

This usually occurs after a meal when the pancreas begins to produce the enzymes needed for digestion. Pancreatitis alters the function of the pancreas and makes the production of enzymes troublesome.

In the early stages of pancreatitis, the patient can usually imagine suffering from heartburn and other minor indigestion. When the discomfort and pain increase, it is time to see a doctor at the latest.


signs of pancreatitis: fatigue and nausea

Daily headache

When the pancreas becomes inflamed, it affects the whole body and weakens the resistance considerably. The following symptoms may occur:

  • Mild headache that occurs daily. The pain may not be severe, but nonetheless noticeable. In addition, dry mouth and dizziness occur.
  • Severe fatigue is a common symptom of pancreatitis. Pancreatitis affects the whole body and especially the digestion. When pancreatitis is on, the body does not absorb vitamins and nutrients, and the defense system is weakened. The body is exposed to inflammation and disease.
signs of pancreatitis: feeling desperate

3. This will take better care of your pancreas

By taking better care of your body and especially avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, you can avoid pancreatitis and other pancreatic health problems. By eating right and avoiding harmful and body-polluting substances, you take care of the health and functioning of the whole body in addition to the pancreas. This will improve your energy level. Keep in mind the following recommendations:

green smoothie for pancreatitis


  • Say “no” to tobacco. Tobacco smoke is known to be toxic and cause cancer and other health problems. Tobacco products harm the whole body. In Finland, tobacco causes one in five deaths in adulthood, ie about 5,000 Finns die each year from diseases caused by tobacco. One in three cancer deaths is caused by tobacco, and one in five diseases of the cardiovascular system is caused by smoking. On average, smoking shortens life by eight years. So say goodbye to smoking.
  • Check your alcohol consumption. Much of the pancreatitis is caused by excessive alcohol consumption, so stick to the recommendations and don’t drink yourself drunk. In addition to the pancreas, alcohol strains e.g. pay.
  • Exclude sugar and wheat flour products. Sugar and wheat are the enemies of the pancreas. They raise blood pressure and blood sugar levels, can lead to overweight and other health problems.
  • Eat healthier. Do not devour food in large quantities, but check your portion size. A small plate of food is enough to enjoy at once. If hunger strikes you between meals, take healthy snacks like nuts and sliced ​​fruits and vegetables with you. Use your imagination and search the internet for healthy snack ideas, such as delicious dumplings made from dates and coconut, which are guaranteed to ward off afternoon sugar cravings. Avoid red meat and processed foods, and remember that vegetables like cabbage and broccoli are effective in preventing pancreatitis.
  • Enjoy natural juices. Add delicious and healthy juices and drinks to your daily diet. Use papaya, aloe vera, artichoke, mango, cabbage, carrot and beet to make juices – only the sky is the limit!
  • Eat more fiber. Oatmeal is one of the best ways to add a sheer dose of fiber to your day. Oatmeal can be made into almond milk and can be mixed with dried fruits, fresh berries and seeds. Fiber takes care of digestive function and prevents constipation and other intestinal problems.
  • Keep your weight at ideal readings. Being overweight puts strain on the whole body from bone to digestion and heart. You don’t have to be lean to be healthy as long as you keep your weight at normal readings. Be sure to exercise regularly, eat well, and provide adequate rest. By keeping your weight at a normal level, you ensure that your body is not overloaded and exposed to disease.

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