Spoon Care Is A Great Help For Signs Of Aging

You need to be consistent with this facial massage treatment if you want effective results from it. Your skin type also matters here, so some people get results faster than others.
Spoon care is a great help for the signs of aging

Do you know what a whimsical spoon treatment is?

Many women are constantly looking for new ways to delay the signs of aging. Although it is a biological process that every human being has to go through, it is common to want to avoid it and to try to keep the appearance young for as long as possible.

In this regard, it is comforting that certain treatments and lifestyles help maintain skin elasticity as well as increase the production of the substances that make up human skin. Protecting from the sun with products designed for this purpose, following a diet rich in antioxidants, and adopting a good beauty routine will help keep your skin in good condition.

However, in addition to these, it is worth considering the use of some facial care products and techniques, as  these help to keep the skin firm and promote its youthful appearance. The earlier you start following these ways to improve your skin, the more likely you are to be able to delay the appearance of wrinkles, pimples and other problems.

However, we all know that treatments by experts are too expensive for many, and this time we want to share a very affordable guide that can help you promote the youthfulness of your skin in an easy way.

This is a facial spoon treatment that focuses on specific parts of the face in order to effectively avoid the early signs of aging.

This treatment, recommended by German makeup artist  René Koch  , has already become a regular part of the beauty routines of thousands of women around the world. Keep reading and try it for yourself – see the effectiveness of facial spoon therapy in preventing the signs of aging!

What are the benefits of spoon therapy?


spoon treatment for eyelids

Spoon therapy is a natural form of therapy that can be used to restore the firmness of the skin and make it softer. Its great benefit is that the  treatment can be done at home and does not require any financial investment.

The benefits of treatment include the following effects:

  • It removes fluid that has accumulated in the tissues.
  • It fades dark under-eye circles and relieves eye bags.
  • It removes toxic substances.
  • It stimulates blood circulation.
  • It gives more elasticity and firmness to the facial skin.
  • It prevents and reduces wrinkles and fine lines.
  • It restores the structure of the face.
  • It reduces inflammation.

How is this spoon treatment implemented?


the girl looks at herself in the mirror

A spoon treatment that includes a facial skin massage is a very easy procedure to take and usually takes no more than  ten minutes a day. The earliest results of treatment can be seen about 12 days after starting regular treatment, but this will depend on your own skin type.

What is needed for treatment?

  • two spoons
  • alcohol suitable for cleaning
  • 1 cup cold water
  • ice cubes
  • 1 cup olive oil

Do this

  • Disinfect the spoons with a small amount of pure alcohol, and then immerse them in a glass of water that also has ice.
  • While the spoons are in the water for a few minutes, remove all makeup from your face. Make sure you remove any residues of cosmetic products from your skin.
  • Once the spoons have cooled, place them on your upper eyelids and hold them in place for about 15 seconds.
  • Cool the spoons again, and repeat this step five times.
  • Then repeat the same treatment on your lower eyelids to treat swollen eye areas and remove dark under-eye circles.
  • You can also put several spoons in the water at a time, so you don’t have to wait for the two to cool again and again.

After the first part of the massage,  put the spoons in a container with warm olive oil  – the temperature should be one that is comfortable for your skin.

Soak the spoons for a few seconds, then do the following  massage along the main lines of your face:

  • from the top of the nose to the temples and to the hairline
  • with rotating movements along the eyelids starting from the inner corners and proceeding to the outer corners
  • above your cheeks, in the t-area of ​​your face, and along both sides of your nose
  • from the jaw upwards
  • from the beginning of the neck to the chin (all the way from the bottom up)

Tips for facial spoon care


woman with dark under-eye

Repeat these movements with spoons 5-10 times in each area. Keep the spoons properly oily to get the best results from the massage.

After treatment, wait 5 minutes, then rinse your skin with warm water.

Ideally, you could spend 1-2 minutes massaging each of the areas we mentioned. At first, however, you can spend less time on the massage, and then you can increase the duration as you repeat it.

This facial massage can be done at any time of the day and can be repeated every day. However, for best results, we recommend that you do this just before you go to bed in the evening.

It is important that you remember one thing: the results of a spoon massage will depend on your skin type, your age, and your daily lifestyle.

It is therefore the case that some may notice results as early as a few days after starting treatment, while others may take longer to do so.

Try a spoon massage and you can keep your facial skin youthful for longer – without expensive special treatments!

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