The Effect Of Displays On Eye Health

As the use of electronic devices has increased, more and more research has been conducted on the impact of displays on eye health. Sight is a sensation that is very susceptible to the effects of the screen. We will tell you more about this topic in this article.
Effect of displays on eye health

Do you know the effect of monitors on eye health?

In medicine, more specifically in the field of ophthalmology, new studies are constantly emerging regarding the impact of evidence on eye health. Medical visits due to eye problems caused by the use of electronic devices have greatly increased.

This has given rise to the concept of the display screen visual disturbance  ( CVS or Computer Vision Syndrome ). This discomfort occurs when the monitors are exposed for more than three hours a day, when the brightness of the monitor is above the recommended limit, or when the distance between the eyes and the monitor is insufficient.

As is well known, modern life is a constant staring at screens. We constantly tap the screens of TVs, tablets, mobile phones and computers, among other things. Some have even installed monitors in their home appliances. Our eyes have to struggle daily to focus our gaze on the way it requires to interpret these devices.

Often  our eyes have to struggle mainly with cell phone screens. Because they are held so close to the head, we strain the binocular vision of our eyes.

If you are concerned about the effect of monitors on eye health, keep reading. We’ll tell you about the eye symptoms caused by the screens and also the recommendations you can take. You can combat the problem with just simple steps.

Effect of evidence on eye health: symptoms

When we understand the impact of evidence on eye health, we understand the logic behind the symptoms. It is about signs of eye fatigue that result from excessive eye strain.

The most common symptoms of display vision impairment include:

  • Blurred vision or double vision.  This is known in medical terms as diplopia.
  • Sandy feeling in the eyes. This results in severe abrasion of the eye.
  • Reddened eyes. This is the result of eye irritation and inflammation as well as its constant rubbing.
  • Pain behind the eyes.
  • Headache. Eye fatigue can cause headaches. The headache can also come from cell phones and the position of the head when we use them.
Staring at screens can cause headaches
Prolonged exposure to displays on electronic devices, such as smartphones, is linked to eye health problems.

What is the effect of the screens on eye health?

As we stare at the screens, a number of unconscious mechanisms enter the game. Our bodies reshape the way it performs its normal functions to adapt to electronic devices.

One of the basic effects that staring at screens has on eye health is related to the focus. At rest, our eyes are able to easily focus on objects at a long distance. But when they have to focus on something nearby, they put in place compensation mechanisms that require effort on their part. These adaptation measures lead to eye strain.

There is also no denying how much concentration monitors require. Our eyes usually stay open for longer periods of time and we blink much less frequently. On average, we flicker 15-20 times a minute, but just staring at a screen can drop a number three times a minute.

Lastly, and this will be discussed in more detail in this article, monitors emit a considerable amount of blue light. This blue light is a fragment of the light spectrum that is able to penetrate through the retina. It gets into the macula and weakens it over time.

Blue light and eye health

The blue light emitted by electronic devices is both beneficial and harmful at the same time. Thanks to the blue light, these devices consume less energy. However, studies have shown that this same light is dangerous to retinal health.

The sun also emits blue light. This type of light has been familiar to our eyes since we were born. The problem with the blue light on the screens is that it comes from a source that is much closer to our eyes. It is for this reason that it causes harm.

From a physical point of view, blue light is short-wave and high-energy light. Because of these properties of light, our eyes have to work harder to focus.

The detrimental effect of monitors on eye health is accentuated by poor lighting
The light emitted by mobile devices is dangerous to the health of our retina.

Recommendations for reducing display damage

We can apply some basic steps on a daily basis to reduce the impact of the evidence on our eye health:

  • Rest your eyes. If you are working on a monitor terminal, rest your eyes occasionally. Try to look away from the screen every 20 minutes for 20 seconds and focus on an object 6 meters away.
  • Keep a safe distance from electronic devices. The screens should be at least 60 inches away from our eyes. For larger screens such as televisions, the distance should be at least 180 cm.
  • Blink. We already know we flicker much less often when staring at screens. We must therefore consciously strive to flicker when using electronic devices. Blinking produces tears that moisturize the eye.
  • Ensure proper lighting. Using electronic devices in poor lighting is harmful to the eyes. Our eyes have to work harder, and the detrimental effect of the light from the screens on the retina increases.

Abandoning screens altogether is not the answer; in today’s world it would be impossible. However, we should implement these recommendations to reduce the adverse effects of evidence on our eye health.

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