Two Tasty Recipes For Eggplant

Would you have thought that eggplant is also perfect as a main course and can be used to make both varied, filling and healthy dishes at the same time?
Two tasty recipes for eggplant

This delicious and healthy plant is quite an ingredient used in many pastas, side dishes and appetizers, but eggplant can also be conjured into whole meals like lasagna or omelet!

The eggplant is best recognized in its natural state, but its peculiar composition and taste can also be modified in interesting ways in many different cooking methods.

Health effects of eggplant

In addition to its delicious taste and versatile use, eggplant is an excellent option to supplement a healthy diet. The nutrients contained in eggplant prevent viral and bacterial infections, among other things, by strengthening the body’s natural resistance.

Eggplant can also be found to be an excellent help for those who are overweight and swollen, as the diuretic properties of eggplant help to both stimulate digestion and enhance metabolism.

2 delicious recipes for eggplant

1. Lasagna made from eggplant

A lasagna made from eggplant is a filling and healthy meal

Believe it or not, delicious lasagna can easily be made from anything other than meat! The next lasagna made from eggplant is both a nutritious and healthy alternative to the diet as well as a diet.


  • 2 eggplants
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • A pinch of salt
  • A touch of black pepper
  • 375 ml of tomato sauce
  • 4 boneless chicken breasts
  • 300 g of ricotta or mozzarella cheese
  • 3 eggs

Preparation instructions

  • Wash the aubergines thoroughly without removing the skin.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  • Cut the aubergines into slices, preferably transversely.
  • Lado sliced ​​eggplants on a plate reserved for lasagna. Sprinkle or brush the olive oil carefully over the eggplant slices so that they do not stick together in the oven.
  • Season the slices with salt and pepper and fry the eggplants in the oven for about 10 minutes until soft.
  • Cut the chicken breast into cubes and lightly fry the pieces in oil in a pan. Season the chicken with salt and pepper and then add the tomato sauce, eggs and cheese of your choice. Stir the mixture until the ingredients are evenly mixed.
  • Stack the lasagna as follows: place the first layer of cooled eggplants on top and stack on top of the chicken mixture. Sprinkle with the cheese you want and stack a new layer of eggplant. Continue this until all the ingredients reserved for lasagna have been used up.
  • Bake the lasagna in the oven for about 30 minutes.
  • Allow the lasagne to settle for a while at room temperature before serving.

2. An omelet made from eggplant

An omelet made from eggplant is a great option for a slow morning

In many countries, such as Spain, the main part of the omelet is played not only by eggs but also by potatoes, but it is also possible to make a delicious and filling omelet from eggplant, which you can easily combine, for example, peppers, zucchini and tomatoes to your liking!


  • 5 eggplants
  • 7 eggs
  • 3 shallots
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper

Preparation instructions

  • Cut the shallots and aubergines into cubes and add them to a lightly oiled pan.
  • When frying, crush the onions and eggplants with a spatula as much as possible. Bake the mixture for about 5 minutes and then remove the pan from the heat. Remove excess oil from the onions and eggplant and the container will bite for later use.
  • Break the eggs into a large bowl and beat the mixture into a fluffy foam. Heat the pan and add the eggs and the eggplant and onion bites to the pan.
  • As the mixture coagulates, season it with salt and pepper. 
  • Turn the omelet over a sufficiently large pot lid and allow the mixture to cook properly. If necessary, turn the omelet again to reach the correct degree of ripeness.
  • You can add the taste of the omelet the way you want by adding more pepper or the cheese of your choice, for example.

With these delicious eggplant recipes, you manage to bring a whole new dimension to your meals of the day and at the same time maintain a nutritious but at the same time healthy diet!

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