Yogurt Diet Is A Healthy Way To Lose Weight

The yogurt diet is a healthy meal plan that promotes weight loss and digestion without compromising health.
The yogurt diet is a healthy way to lose weight

The yogurt diet is a balanced meal plan based on much more than just eating yogurt. While many miracle diets go by the same name, today we want to discuss a yogurt diet that gets excellent results without compromising health.

Yogurt is a nutritious food that benefits the body in many ways. It provides calcium to the bones and contains probiotics, or “live bacterial cultures,” that restore the gut’s natural microbial balance and thus promote digestive health.

Yogurt is also a very versatile product that can be enjoyed in many different ways. While it is best to eat yogurt as is, it can also be used as a substitute for salads and other sauces.

Next, let’s look at how the yogurt diet works properly.

This is how the yogurt diet benefits

Yogurt diet does not endanger health

There are good reasons to choose a yogurt diet if you intend to lose weight. First, it is a very safe and varied diet, as it combines many different foods that together meet the body’s nutritional requirements.

The yogurt diet also reduces the number of calories consumed daily, but not in an extreme way. Because yogurt has a satiety-prolonging effect, it curbs moods and snacks.

Yogurt is an important source of B vitamins, calcium, magnesium and essential amino acids that protect many of the body’s vital functions. They can help regulate the nervous system, keep bones in good shape, and ensure muscle health.

Yogurt lactic acid maintains a healthy intestinal pH and promotes the growth of good bacteria that strengthen the immune system. For this reason, the yogurt diet is perfect for boosting resistance or treating certain infections.

Such is the yogurt diet

The yogurt diet should be a balanced meal plan that includes several servings of yogurt daily. But since it would be good to remember moderation in everything, we recommend following this diet for only five to seven days.

During that time, choose low-calorie foods that meet your body’s nutritional needs. Do not eat anything with sugar, fast carbohydrates or saturated fat.

Allowed foods

  • Vegetables and fresh fruits
  • Lean meats and fish
  • Whole grains and legumes
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Low-fat cheeses

Prohibited foods

  • Red meat and sausages
  • Fried foods and ready-made snacks
  • Semi – finished products
  • Bread and industrial bakery products
  • Juices and sugary soft drinks
  • Sugar-based foods

Other recommendations

  • Eat five meals a day: Three main meals and two snacks.
  • Drink plenty of water during the day: 6-8 glasses.
  • Avoid everything fried and fried: Instead, choose oven-fried, steamed or boiled.
  • Choose unflavoured, non-fat yogurt with no added sugar or flavors.

Yogurt diet: menu suggestions

The menus we recommend below are simple examples of how the yogurt diet should be followed. However, everyone is free to modify main meals by switching products to other healthy alternatives.

Breakfast options

  • A pair of decis unflavoured yoghurt, toast with ham and fruit of your choice.
  • Two slices of bread with light marmalade, desi unflavoured yogurt and apple.
  • A cup of herbal tea, two slices of wholemeal toast with avocado and unflavoured yogurt.

Morning snack

  • Desi unflavoured yogurt and a handful of nuts (about 20-30 grams).
  • Fruit ice cream with yogurt on top.
  • Smoothie made from unflavoured yogurt and fruit.

Lunch options

  • A bowl of green salad with yogurt sauce and sliced ​​chicken breast.
  • Chicken fillets and yoghurt salad with cucumber and celery.
  • Whole grain pasta with yogurt sauce and crab cakes.

Afternoon snack

  • A couple of decays of low-fat yogurt and two wholemeal sandwich biscuits.
  • Half a bowl of strawberries with unflavoured yogurt.
  • Unflavoured yogurt with Chia seeds.

Dinner options

  • One serving of oven-fried fish, steamed vegetables and two slices of wholemeal bread with yogurt.
  • An omelet with three slices of turkey, plus two slices of pineapple with yogurt.
  • Scrambled eggs with mushrooms and shrimp and fruit salad with yogurt.

Trying to lose weight but not knowing where to start? Try the yogurt diet. As you can see, these are easy food options that will keep hunger at bay. When you quit your diet, continue your healthy eating habits to prevent your pounds from returning.

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